Learn how to create your own books in iBooks Author, where you can integrate text, photos, slideshows, video, audio, and even quizzes into your books.
iPhoto for iOS Workshop
(for previous version)
Note: This training is for iPhoto for iOS 6! iPhoto for iOS is an incredibly powerful photo editor. With this video training, learn how to get the most from smallest, most feature-packed photo editor in your hand.
iMovie for iOS Workshop
(for previous version)
Note: This training is for iMovie for iOS 6! iMovie for iOS is an incredibly powerful movie editor. With this video training, learn how to get the most from smallest, most feature-packed video editor in your hand.
Editing Workflow, Printing and Moving Managed to Referenced
Live Training Session 020
This was a special Q&A session, where I responded to requests of “What’s your approach to creative image processing”, “Can you show all aspects of printing and soft proofing”, as well as “How do you move from Managed to Referenced”?
Aperture 3.3 Explored
Live Training Session 021
This is a different session than normal, as we took on a live panel to discuss and explore Aperture 3.3 together. It’s over two hours long, and is the first deep look at the new features in Aperture 3.3.
Photography 101
Getting Started
Get past fully-automatic mode with this intensive training on how to get the most out of your digital camera in this Photograph 101 course which has garnered incredible reviews, and strives to answer that burning question, “what's this button do?”
Adjustments; Edge Sharpen, Chromatic Aberration, Color Monochrome
Live Training Session 016
This is the seventh video in a long series about Adjustments in Aperture 3, covering Dodge & Burn, but more importantly, explaining how brushes work.
Adjustments; Dodge & Burn (and how brushes work)
Live Training Session 015
This is the seventh video in a long series about Adjustments in Aperture 3, covering Dodge & Burn, but more importantly, explaining how brushes work.
Adjustments; Retouching
Live Training Session 014
This is the sixth video in a long series about Adjustments in Aperture 3, exclusively about the Retouching tool.
Special Session; 3rd Party Apps (Round-trip Script)
Live Training Session 013
This was a last minute “Special Session” where I discussed how to use 3rd party apps within Aperture.
Adjustments; Color and B&W
Live Training Session 012
This is the fifth video in a long series about Adjustments in Aperture 3, covering both the Color and the Black & White adjustments.