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LUMIX Shoot Stills AND Video Simultaneously! Get a Frame Grab While Shooting Video

Photo Moment - August 03, 2017

You knew that LUMIX cameras can shoot both still photos and video… and get stills from a video… but did you know that you can shoot them *at the same time*?! It's a great way to get a frame grab while shooting video! Watch this to learn how!

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Metabones Full Frame Lens Effective Focal Lengths on the GH5 Document (made by Bart Johnson Productions)

In photo priority mode, does the film resume instantly after taking the photo or are there some dropped frames? (actually I assume there have to be SOME dropped frames, but how seamless would the transition be between the still and the first frame of the resumed video?)
very nice feature. for the picture priority mode it isn't clear if it's possible to shoot using different exposure (time, iso) from what is used during rec mode. Also it is possible to shoot during rec using M mode and ttl flash?
Great feature ! but I can’t find it in my GH6 please help
Totally out of sync
Is there a way to separate the shutter speed from the video and pictures? I want to have clear and sharp pictures by bumping up the shutter speed, but will be transitioning from 60fps to 24 in video, which will affect the shutter.
That depends on the camera. Which model?
The audio in this video is out of sync... at least for me.
Dear Joseph, do you know is this feature available on GH5 ii?
I keep meaning to check this for you but haven’t. I’m sure it is but I haven’t verified. If you google “user guide Gh5 II” you can download the manual and look it up there.
Joseph how is the video exposure set while shooting video in manual mode? Constant preview seems to match the jpgs but the exposure for the video seems like it's being set automatically by the camera? It definitely isn't matching from still to video..... any advice on why this may be?
Thank you for the video btw. Much appreciated
@@photojoseph yeah! Ill switch to a custom setting and everything will be under exposed but once I hit the record button the exposure of the video corrects itself. Take a photo while recording and its under exposed again.
Most likely I am doing something wrong lol. Any ideas?
I'm also having trouble being able to take photos while recording at 24fps. ONLY at 24fps I get the cannot shoot picture warning. If I hit menu and switch to 30 or 60fps it will let me do stills and video simultaneously as expected. If by some chance you've gone over any similar issues in your videos I would REALLY appreciate a link!
Thanks so much for your time Joseph! Your information regarding simultaneous stills + video seems quite rare but has been a massive help in my endeavours!
I'm not sure I understand. If you're in manual mode, then exposure is set manually — through a combination of shutter speed, aperture and ISO. Are you saying when shooting video in manual mode, the still photos make while shooting video don't match exposure of the video?
is it possible to take stills during video with s1r?
+1 i'm also looking for an answer!
Nice video! I have the Lumix G7. It's worth noting that there are several cases where shooting a picture while recording a video doesn't work. I kept getting "Cannot shoot picture" and was getting frustrated with it until I searched through manual. In my case, the problem was 4K video. The camera will not allow you to take still pictures while recording 4K video.

Also, the G7 has the video limit of 29:59. However, the US model has a hack that disables this and allows you to record up to the capacity of your SD card.
Yeah, kind of a bummer, it's easier to just export a frame from the 4k footage because of this limitation...
Back i 2002 Sony had a crapy still mode on the PD 150, i know i had 3 of those cameras. the still image sucked to put it mildly. I am going to do a video /still shoot with a Fujifilm XT-2 mounted on top of an older Sony EX1R, i will you know soon if it works. So far i have found that the still image has always looked better on the still camera. i have never seen a really good vdo to still image.
I have a question, I finally bought a Lumix G7 because of the 4k :) When I'm in movie mode, but not recording video, how can I take a still? The shutter button will start recording a video.
You probably know by now, but the G7 won't allow you to take stills while recording 4K video. I had this problem and found this exception listed in the manual. It only works with lower resolutions.
@@photojoseph Oh, thanks, it works! It never occurred to me that you can start recording when out of the movie mode :D
You can’t… if you want to do both then stay in photo mode and push the red button to start recording video.
This guy concentrates too much on the "cuteness" of his presentation rather than beneficial content. Jerk!
@@photojoseph don't worry he's a B-Hole obviously
“this guy” disagrees with you. You do know we read the comments, right?
do other camera brands have this feature or is it unique to lumix
I don't know, sorry. I would imagine other mirrorless cameras can.
hello the photos that you extract on the video as priory are 8mp stills? and you can record for a long time let say for 15 or 25 minutes and get a still here and there on that time frame of you con only estrat the photo in a limitid time of recording. Thanks for the great advice and the great video!
I'm not sure I understand the question. It's full of typos making it very difficult to comprehend. Could you explain again please?
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