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This ATEM (mini) Tips” series of short video tutorials for your Blackmagic ATEM hardware includes tips for all users, from beginner to advanced. Scroll down to see more in the series!

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Manual Lenses on Mirrorless ▶︎ Understanding Exposure & Focus Peaking

Photo Moment - November 05, 2018

If you've wondered how to use a totally manual lens on a mirrorless camera, this video explains exposure and focus and how it works!

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Changing your thought-process from Mirrored to Mirrorless? What is the biggest adjustment you've had to make?

•• Mitakon Zhongyi Speedmaster 25mm f/0.95 Lens

•• Panasonic Leica DG Vario-Elmarit 8-18mm f/2.8-4 ASPH. Lens
I have just switched to a Samyang 12/2 on my Lumix GX8 that I love but I found focus peaking really annoying. My preference is for in-camera monochrome and I found fp confused my preview with the colours and the results were disappointing compared to zone focussing on this super lens. I use the live viewfinder a lot to frame, compose and shoot my images. Great explainer, thanks✌️
How come your focus peaking is still great over
Hdmi? When I send focus peaking over hdmi to my monitor it’s barely visible
@@photojoseph I’m using an atomos shinobi. I have it maxed out at +2 and it still is difficult to see
I have no idea. Maybe the monitor is not high quality?
Clearest walk-through out there on exposure - thank you.
Thanks for sharing! I was wondering how I can constantly see the focus peaking on my lumix
Superb explanation. Thank you
Thank you!
Great Video! Thanks for sharing your experience.
Thank you for actually explaining this! Really useful
The best video out there for understanding how to use manual lenses! Great job sir i finally know how to use my ttartisan
4:28 is your camera on a trampoline?:)
I was searching for this video for the last 2 days!!! thanks a lot!
So does it mean that GH5S will behave in the same way (than shown on your video) with Nikon AI or non-AI lenses (mounted with the Viltrox NF-M43X) when we have Constant Preview sets on? is that right? Sorry i don't have the camera neither thoses lenses in my hand but i'm doing my research before buying.
this is really helpful
Thanks a lot Joseph! I've been going crazy using my Helios 44M-7 on my 5D Mark III. I have to constantly switch back and forth between Live View and the Viewfinder to take a shot, and I can't shoot video at all. The image displayed on the screen is toooo dark, but I can use the exposure meter to check if there's enough light; then I have to switch to the Viewfinder to actually see what I'm shooting and compose the photo. Yet, I have to take multiple pictures before I nail it since the exposure meter isn't always perfect (gets fooled by big white or black objects) and the Viewfinder is a mess when it comes to exposure and depth of field.

I'll switch to the GH5 soon and I'd love to use vintage lenses for video. Keep up the great work! :D
Interesting, thanks for sharing. I guess the mirrored cameras really don’t make it easy. This process is flawless on the GH5; I shoot with vintage glass all the time.
Thanks for this video....I've watched it at least 4 times trying to get the right settings for my new LAOWA 7.5mm f2.0
I also will be using the laowa 7.5mm on my G9 panasonic
man...that was one super lesson...thanks thanks thanks..I had to save it cause I know I'll have to see it again
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed.
Thanks! That was really useful. I was shying away from manual lenses before I saw this now I really want to give it a try!
Nice! Glad I made this video :-)
I was wondering what you do with non-native zoom lenses? When you put a non-native lens on it asks for a focal length, which is fine if you have a prime, but a zoom lens? Do you put maximum, minimum, midway? Or is there some other method for putting in the correct number?
Choose the middle. It’s not critical.
I have some old M42 lenses laying around which I love to use on the GH5. The character of these old one's is really nice and they are pretty cheap too. Got four of them together with some old Praktica and Russian mirrored cameras which could be straight out of a museum (but they still work perfectly after so many years!). The main thing to adjust is your own brain and going back to the basics and thinking through what you are doing. Which I like a lot, like to old days!
Hi Joseph,
You forgot to mention that you can/should specify the focal length of manual lenses to help the camera to set the right Ibis compensation.
Good point!
I purchased the 7artisans 25mm 1.8, Meike 35mm 1.7, and the Kamlan 50mm 1.1 to get acclimated to manual lenses inexpensively.
I have purchased the 7artisans 25mm 1.7, Meike 35mm 1.8, and Kamlan 50mm 1.1 to get acclimated to manual lenses inexpensively. So far these lenses are beautiful.
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