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Open Gate Changes Everything — so much MORE than 16:9!!

Photo Moment - July 05, 2022

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What is Open Gate, and why should you care? In this video, learn about Open Gate mode on the LUMIX GH6, and why if you delver content both in 16:9 and 9:16, then you should DEFINITELY be shooting in Open Gate!

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UPDATE: The LUMIX S1 also has Open Gate, in the form of (for larger-than-4K), there's "6K" 5952*3968 (3:2) 24p as well as a "5.4K" 5376*3584 (3:2) 30p modes! Both are 4:2:0.

What do you think; are you intrigued to start shooting in Open Gate? With the GH6 firmware 2.0 released on July 5 2022, you can even do 4:3 5.8K RAW with the Ninja V+!
Well, sort of. I don't recall what I said in the video but here are the two cameras — the GH6 shoots 5760x4320 in what's called "5.8K" mode, which is an accurate name when looking at the source width (5760 = 5.8K). The GH5II shoots 4992x3744 in "6K-A" mode. I don't recall now if the "6K" is a diagonal measurement (probably, since the diagonal is 6240) or if it's a measurement of what it'll be once it's stretched (even a 1.33x anamorphic stretch will result in over 6,600 pixels wide), so that name is more a marketing term. Since the mode is no longer meant to be used only for anamorphic, the name changed to reflect a more realistic use (and what we're used to seeing… "4K" = 4096 wide, not diagonal)
Great video, as always! One correction: GH5 II shot anamorphic 6k, not 5k.
@PhotoJoseph So is the same on the S5? I it seen it has 4:3 anamorphic mode with a apsc crop.
Will the Ninja V+ work with Canon R5 using this 4:3 and later punch in to use 16x9 or 9x16?
Does Lumix S1 has frame marker?
no, that is in a newer operating system than the S1 can run, sorry.
@photojoseph what actually Davinci does if you put 4992x3744 6K-A footage in UHD timeline. Reason I ask is that free version of Davinci is limited to max UHD timeline. Am i loosing something if have no access to higher resolution timeline with such footage ?
@@photojoseph Thanks for quick reply, one more question though - ''You will scale down vertically and horizontally'' - but technically it;s still remains 4992x3744 ? Pixels are being squeezed somehow - I dont really get it.. 😞
Not losing at all, as long as you only want UHD output. You will scale down vertically and horizontally but then you also have the option to punch into the frame. Tons of flexibility; that’s one of the great things about this format (with or without anamorphic lenses)
Hi Joseph, I never shot in 1:1 ratio with my Lumix S5 until my client asked me to set my camera to 1:1 for video and photos. As I started to explore this I realized Lumix s5 does not give me that option for videos, only photos. Am I missing something? I know we have 4:3 thanks
Thanks nice to hear, thank you!
@@photojoseph I really appreciate you and this channel. Thank you! I was playing last night with it! I sent my client some samples.
No square video, no. You do have crop guides that can black out what’s outside of the square on screen, but the source will still be whatever format you shot it in. Then if you place it on a square timeline you’ll have the same final result.
Ahhh, damn, the GH5s doesn't do full-res open-gate. It crops with width down to 3328x2496.
GH5S is a VERY different camera. Actually one of my favorites. Here’s an old video that helps explain why:
Hi there! Really enjoyed this thank you and here I am leaving a comment 2 years since the last one! Hope you're doing well. I have a GH6 but have a GH7 arriving today! Have a question for you if you don't mind. I edit in Final Cut and generally shoot 4K pro res files. I see that you have to record in MOV files to used OPenGate. Would the MOV files makes any different to my grading process - do they hold up as well as Pro Res files, they seem to be smaller? But could be wrong here. Am I sacrificing anything recording in the MOV files? Your thoughts would be very welcome as open gate recording seems like a win win situation! Appreciate your time, Sparky
There is a difference, yes. Open Gate on the GH7, captured at 5760*4320 4:3 ratio, is 4:2:0 10-bit LongGOP 200 Mbps. ProRes is 5728*3024 17:9 ratio in 4:2:2 10-bit All-Intra and up to 1.6Gbps. Google "4:2:0 vs 4:2:2" to understand the difference there, and the data rate is of course massively different. Then of course you also have ProRes RAW, which is 12-bit and up to 3.5Gbps. How much of a difference this makes to your grading process depends entirely on what you do with it. Extreme grading, color keying, significant exposure recovery, very slow color gradients, and lots of other things go into "breaking" a file. The higher the quality, the harder it is to break. Really the only way to know is to shoot what you shoot and see if you can tell the difference!
How about just flexibly framing your shot? This way you can frame it as you like in post. Open gate is just a dumb gimmick! Just my opinion.
Did you actually watch this video? Because if you did, then you'd know that Open Gate (as I'm presenting it) isn't so you don't have to get the framing right in-camera; it's so you can frame for different aspect ratio deliverables in post. Cutting a 9:16 vertical from a 16:9 original is extremely limiting.
My gh6 is only showing 8 options in Rec Quality, none of them are anamorphic or go over 4k. Why is that??
You’re on MP4 recording mode. Switch to MOV.
Could one distribute a project shot in open gate to a film festival, or is it best to use Cinema 4K 4 2 2 10bit? I love the editing options. Having different crops might add to the storytelling.
Perhaps an additional update? The OG S5 (yes not the S5 II/IIX) has "open gate" video recording at 30P as well, but is hidden in the menu. Change camera mode to "M", change selected burst mode (I use II) to use 6K Photo, change mode to S/S (shutter start/stop). Limited to 15 minutes per recording, but you can select 3:2 (5183x3456) and 4:3 (4992x3744) aspect ratios and even set Photo Style to V-Log. Includes audio! My understanding is that is also 200Mbps bit rate recording. I've used it successfully for far better Anamorphic than the official "Anamorphic 4:3" mode on the OG S5. If you could, suggest that now the S5 II/IIX have received firmware upgrades that Panasonic move that 6K mode to the video menu on the OG S5 as a friendly gesture.
thanks! awesome video. the S5 can shoot crop sensor open gate at 4k internally. I think it can do 5.9k externally.
is there an option to set the ratio to 9:16 for filing for instagram reels?
Lots of good information, going to try out the smart reframe 😁.
Have fun!
Wow thats so cool!
OVERRATED!!.. how bout re-framing?? You don't need that high resolution ESPECIALLY if you're using for social media!
@atc576 tell me you didn’t watch the video without telling me you didn’t watch the video.
You totally missed the point. It’s far easier to reframe 4:3 into 9:16 and 16:9 than it is to reframe 16:9 to 9:16. It’s not about resolution — although that’s there if you need it, too. And that extra resolution is 100% about reframing. So to say “how about re-framing” only tells me you didn’t actually watch the video before dropping this comment.
I have four cameras that are capable of shooting open gate 5.7K; however, I don’t use them to shoot 9:16. I shoot live theatre, concerts, and dance shows with multiple cameras. Only one of these cameras has a live operator. The open gate lets me reframe the shot in post or turn one shot into two by having a different crop.
Awesome. Open Gate is so flexible!
One of my favorite videos. Love it. Thank you!
Can you shoot in open gate and vlog at the same time!
oh absolutely. I only shoot in V-log!
Love this feature on my S5II. The 6K video coming off the full sensor looks incredible.
Yeah! Agreed!
This will really help my work when I have to crop for vertical! Thank you!
Great to hear!
I hope they can update at least 48p for the full sensor open gate.I think they can do it. It is just if Panasonic want to or not.
Open Gate is such a weird term. It's literally 4:3 and I was choosing that anyway for that purpose before I even knew what Open Gate was...
It’s an old industry name referring to film days.
You're the man! I was so confused with the cropping of open gate footage. Thank you
great detailed review.. BEST!
I'm not against what u suggest, open gate is important, great video! But when u use 1.33x anamorphic adapter and put it vertical on 16:9, it's 4:3, put it horizontal on 16:9, it's 2.4:1, especially when it's on full frame 16:9, the high sensitivity in low light and the background blur will be much better than it's on M43 sensor... Since I started to use full frame sensor, I feel like I can never go back, I really like the design of GH series, but every time I think about I will lose 75% high sensitivity and blur on m43 sensor, I just give it up... So this Open Gate Thing actually can't help GH series or S35 sensor that much, I'm now using 1.33x adapter on full frame 16:9 to make vlog and put it on my Instagram, it looks bigger than 16:9 on Instagram and feels like Alexa LF, that vibe and character just blow my mind
Oh and I used to like Vazen 28mm anamorphic lens because it's 1.8x, then I found that the image circle of Vazen 28mm is actually a standard S35, which means the best fit for it is S5 series because S5 series have a S35 4:3 mode, it can get the edge character of Vazen 28mm to make the anamorphic character stronger, but GH series can't get there, just the middle M43 part which is clean weak and boring... SONY also has sensor crop mode to read the sensor with 1.52x crop, bigger than S5 4:3 mode because it's 16:9, the left and right are black circle but at least it can get the whole image circle and character of Vazen 28mm... so M43 sensor is actually kinda meaningless in this era
While I love the extra options in terms of being able to recrop - I HATE the increased popularity of vertical video formats recently and I wish we'd just stick to 16:9. vertical framing is terrible
I have to admit vertical has grown on me. Or maybe I just got tired of being called a boomer 😅
doesn't it support 2560x1920 's resolution? it's also a 4:3 asptio and what i'm using on my iphone and my video work.
I don’t believe so. That’s an unusual resolution.
Excellent Breakdown🔥🔥🔥
Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it.
So glad I meet you at CineGear, and learned about this!! 🙌🏾
Awesome man, great meeting you too — thanks for stopping by!!
Can you do this with the BS1H as well?
@@photojoseph Thank you so much! I greatly appreciate your information and your work.
Yes! I have the full specs of the camera replicated here and you'll see the 6K and 5.4K modes
Thank you for this demo, but I use FCPX and I cannot follow along. When creating a 4k timeline , mismatched resolutions on Da Vinci does not show up under FCP. What am I doing wrong ? Thank you
I haven’t used FCP in a while but I am quite sure you can make a custom timeline at any size. If you’re talking about the vertical resolution then there should be presets for that.
Why not to shoot verticaly
Awesome stuff here, Joseph!

It makes me sad knowing that Sony will most likely never update their cameras to include Open Gate. If they ever provide the option, they will most likely introduce it in newer models and will forget about their older ones.
Do you know any external monitors , that fit the size of the open gate?
still prefer to shoot in a vertical shoot on my gimbal for instagram videos so that I get the most resolution and not a crop version.
Extremely helpful video. Just added a LUMIX S5ii to our Sony bodies. Can you do something showing workflow with both 3:2 and 16:9 files?
is there a true 24fps?
Yes, the GH6 can do 24.00
One thing we can only hope is that vertical video will go eventually go away!!!
@@photojoseph LOL! It is really hard to watch and hard to record with a real camera as shown! It came originally from stupid cell phones. That option should never have been available. Anyone that likes it is lying. Thank you Joseph for your great knowledge and videos!!
We can also hope that Scarlet Johansen comes knocking at my door. And come to think of it… that's far more likely to happen. Sorry Lonnie… vertical video is here to stay!
How do you get these (or any camera) to shoot true 30 instead of that decimal crap?
@@Drunken_Hamster sure, post an example (and in another post tell me you did; links go to spam so I need to know to look for it). However youtube has been around for a while with billions of videos that look exactly as they should at 29.97 and 23.98 and all other variations.
@@photojoseph I already know why ntsc is non-integer. I say it sucks partly because it bothers my OCD and partly because I've read that digital devices don't like non-integer stuff, and it might be particularly potentially troublesome with youtube since YT supposedly re-encodes all decimal stuff to true, which can make the motion screwy

(IE moving objects randomly time-skipping across the screen in 1/4 to 1-second intervals. If you want I can get an example of this and perhaps you can tell me what's actually causing it.)
@@Drunken_Hamster google “why is ntsc 29.97”. And I don’t know why you say it sucks; it doesn’t make any difference in practical use.
@@photojoseph Well that sucks. It also doesn't make sense. If cameras can do true 24, and the PAL rates never had non-integer varients, then why is 30, 60, and 120 stuck as decimal rates? Better yet, why would editing software have true 30 and 60 as an option if no camera could shoot true 30?
That “decimal crap” is historical and baked into our broadcast system. Irrelevant for digital delivery but there’s no going back in time. No camera does “true 30”. 24.00, 25.00, 29.97 are the standard bases. Everything else is a divisor of those.
anyway you need to compose your shoot in the in the middle of the frame, i think if you think in compose in a classic 16:9 way even using open gate nos sure you will get nice results por 9:16 then
Not at all. Compose in 4:3 with room around your subject and place the subject wherever it makes sense for the shot, then crop accordingly for side or tall. Balanced negative space is everything.
Weeping sigma fp owner here 😓
Thanks for the input! I shoot with Fuji xh2s, and I think we have open gate mode, only in 6k (the ratio is called 3:2)

Then there is 4k Dci and Uhd

Do you shoot all the time in open gate, just in case? the files aren't super big? Or is this mostly depending on the mbps?
in a controlled situation I will capture to ProRes because it's the file with the most data. If I know I only need 4K and I don't have to punch in in post, then I will shoot 4K. No need to shoot 6K. And ProRes H265 is better because it's more data, and much less compressed. H265 though is a fantastic codec and if you have hardware that decodes it natively (like an M1/M2 Mac), then editing it is easy. If not, then your computer will struggle to edit it natively. When you're thinking about quality, just remember that what bitrate is. It's Mbps. Megabit per second. If you have 400 Megabits per second, and are shooting 1920*1080 24 fps vs 3840*2160 60fps, you can easily do the math to realized the 24p gets more data per frame, and the UHD has a lot more pixels to fit in that same data rate.
@@photojoseph  @photojoseph  In the previous answer, you said that in controled situation and to get the best quality you would shoot in 4k rather than open gate.

But since you mention those other factors, I always wonder what would be the difference' let's say, between a uhd video in 100 mbps and a fhd video in 400 mbps. would the fhd catch up the 4k because of the mbps?

In terms of codec, I shoot everything at the moment in h265 4.2.2 10 bits

When I get a cf express, I will shoot apple pro res for the editing capacities, + I read that, since it is less compressed, you get more out of it than with h265
@@Tomoldchannel “Quality” is a big word. What do you mean by that? Resolution is only one factor. Bitrate (100mbps, 150, 400, 800), color space (4:2:0 or 4:2:2), compression (Long GOP or All-I), codec (H264, H265, ProRes) all factor in.
@@photojoseph Why is open gate lower quality than 4k ? I thought the resolution of the Open gate is higher. Let say that I reframe a 6k shot in 4k, shouldn't it be at least the same quality if not higher ?
Exactly — the file size is dependent on mbps. What format I shoot depends on a lot of things. I’m on my way to shoot a day of BTS on a short film; I’ll shoot open gate there on the S5II. Maximum flexibility, but not maximum quality. But it’s a vlog basically, so that’s OK. Shooting somewhere where I have the time to set up the shot, I’ll shoot 4K and maximize quality. Shooting talking head of myself for longer dialogs, I’ll shoot 6K ProRes or even RAW if available, so I have best of both, but that requires external recorder. I change what I shoot constantly to suite the situation.
Thank you Joseph, helps a lot!
Glad to hear it!
Does open gate work in 1920p ?
@@photojoseph nerflix production are not using those small camera. Doesnt matter about the screen quality. 90% of people watch there video on a phone bellow 1080p.
@@Raoh1st that is simply incorrect. 4K deliverable is normal. Netflix will only accept 4K, so for the “almost nobody” watching Netflix, that’s all 4K. You can’t buy an HD TV without really trying hard. Even most phones are over HD resolution now. So 4K is completely normal now.
@@photojoseph i think the first purpose is to have more room in the vertical. 90% of people deliver in full hd with this kind of camera. 4,or 5 k is for gick. Almost Nobody watch 4k content.
open gate is higher than that. If you shot open gate at only 1080p that'd kind of defeat the purpose.
Hi Joseph, why did you leave out the Open gate specs of the GH5s and at specs that not even the GH6 can meet? The GH5s does 3328x2496, at 29.97 but here comes the important part... at 4:2:2, 10-bit (12-bit ProRes RAW on the way more affordable Ninja V if that is your thing), and 400Mbps (vs 4:2:0 and 200Mbps of the GH6)... and it can do this direct to a V90 SD card. I shot near everything on my GH5s at 4:3 so it is very important to me. So short of spending money on the GH6 and a Ninja V+ (crazy money in Canada for the level of improvement), I don't see my use case as being able to justify the GH6 at all... and I really wanted to! Superb video as always, love your channel! :)
True! Thank-you. :)
Thanks Jerry. Deliberately excluded because the open gate isn’t > than 3840 wide, so a 4K delivery would require scaling up.
Actually even the G7 has this :)), just tried it. - put the camera in 4K more from the left dial and set the 4k PHOTO mode to S/S (in camera menu) Now, select manual mode on (not video mode.) and press the shutter ! 4:3 aspect ratio video! cool!
@@popaadrian4592 sweet!!
@@photojoseph It's with audio. 😁
Awesome. I think on the G7 there’s no audio and it defaults to a higher shutter speed for photo purposes, right?
You are such a great narrator. Thank you for the work you do creating this content you have just earned a subscriber!
I very much appreciate that! Welcome to the channel 😊
This is one of the greatest features of the GH6 👍 Thanks for that informative video…
@@photojoseph great, looking forward to it 👍
Thanks! I’ve got a brand new video expanding on this topic dropping in the next 24 hours… make sure you’re subbed!
I wish open gate wasn't limited to 200mbits in 5.7k for recording internally but supporting RAW recording in open gate too without having to buy an external recorder
There’s patent law blocking cameras from recording raw internally.
Let's all suggest this at FiLMiC Pro to be added in a future release. The iPhone sensor also has an aspect ratio of 4:3 so this would give us 4032 x 3024 pixels to work with. MAVIS App already has it.
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