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Setting Up Touch Screen Autofocus on LUMIX Cameras ► Helpful Tool or Too Much Trouble?

Photo Moment - January 22, 2018

LUMIX cameras can turn the touch screen into a “trackpad” so you can touch-to-focus and control the Autofocus point while looking through the viewfinder. PhotoJoseph is going to show you how to set it up and how it works!

Products Mentioned In Today's Photo Moment

Skip ahead, Information starts about 4 minutes into the video. Correction, 5 minutes in
Good for when you aren't using the viewfinder
This seems like it would be nice for a rack focus.
Thanks for the great explaination :)
Thank you for the video! I got one problem. On the Panasonic G90 camera, I can control the focus using the touch panel. I just translate the focus area and the camera itself focuses at the same moment. But on gh6 this does not happen. I move the focus point on the touchpad, but the camera does not focus. You always need to additionally press the AF button for the camera to catch focus. Do you know how to make gh6 focus automatically as soon as I move the focus point? Both the g90 and the gh6 have the same settings in the touchpad menu. Thank you!
can't find it on the GH6 ! Could someone help me ? Thanks !
You’re looking for the “touch” menu. I won’t have access to my GH6 for about two weeks but if you haven’t figured it out before then, ask again in two weeks
question: when i activate "touch autofocus AF + AE" and i then touch the display to fix the focus and exposure, it does not work. focus does but exposure fix is not working. it changes exposures when i move the camera any suggestion help? maybe there is a way when touching the screen to set the AEL (exposure) also automatically and fix it?
@@photojoseph il check thank you
Right you need to lock it. That’ll depend on your camera but look for an AEL setting. You might be able to combine the touch and AEL; I don’t recall as this video is quite old.
thank you very much josefh for the very useful information you give us!!!!
This video is not so much about autofocus but more about yourself. There’s a name for such people.
I wanna turn it off. It autofocused and messed everything up before I got flat frames
This is AWESOME.a LIFE SAVER... I blew a gig because of being out of focus... It looked like the camera was in focus. but it wasn't .... this is now 2021
@@photojoseph not the results we work for.. Thank you for your understanding.... So I've been watching more of your GH5 Tutorials - I have more to learn...
Yeah… I feel that. We've all been there.
@@photojoseph thank you - I was depressed all day because I knew I failed & let down a good friend....
yeah it can be hard to tell for sure when looking at a small screen! Sorry to hear of the bad experience.
why is this a 15 minute video
7 suffice
Why is this a seven word comment
Is there a way to get rid of 'set' button after readjusting the focus using the touch screen? I often want to readjust on a gimbal, and it'd be easier if I could just touch the screen once. (g80)
Not that I've ever encountered, sorry
Una de las mejores herramientas de la gh5.
Excellent Joseph, I just turned this Offset ON now on my new G9. Good idea! Thanks.
You led me here from your other video, "Articulating LCD, LVF and auto switching" from the LUMIX GH5 Training Course at, where you responded to my comment. Thank you for helping with this. I like this feature.
One more reason to use offset is to prevent moving the focus point with your nose. You would have to literally drag your nose across the screen to be in trouble.
Can we set this on S5 too ?
@@photojoseph thank you
I have not looked but I’d say with confidence that you can. This has been in LUMIX cameras for a long time and is in ever model I’ve ever looked for it on.
Actual tutorial only start from 5:30 onwards. The rest is wasting time.
Also, it only WORKS when you're using MP4 recording format. Doesn't work for MOV. Must take note of that!!
So does this work with video, while being able to view your video on the touch screen? I want to manually focus and I want to have the ability to touch to focus on certain shots. I love minimalism, but sometimes redundancy is great.
Lost focus icon disappeared. Do you know how to get it back on the touch screen?
is god sent u from heaven for me?
Great stuff , thank you :)
my pleasure
I can't find the settings to turn on the touch screen. How do I find it?
please watch the video again. I’m quite sure in this video I showed that, since that’s what this video is about.
This would be great to use when you are trying to use touch autofocus while using an external monitor. Would there be a better solution?
I don’t think I so, sorry. But the if the LVF is on, even if you’re not using it, it doesn’t matter, does it?
PhotoJoseph I originally wanted a way to use touch AF while having the camera display off so I can simply use my external monitor. Your video gave me the solution, which was to switch to LVF. But is there a way to have both LVF and camera display off but still have touch AF?
I’m not sure what the question is? You can touch to AF (on the camera screen) when using an external monitor.
Hi Joseph, I luckily watched this video straight after I bought my GH5s last year and have used and loved this setting ever since. I have a shoot pending that will need AFC 1-Area so I have disabled touch settings, set camera to AFC and lens to AF but when I point the camera at my subject it doesn't focus, so I tried moving to face detection and the boxes appear but the subject stays blurry - can you help!
Assuming you're not in a VFR mode, it sounds like you also disabled constant AF. Does it focus when you half-press the shutter?
Everytime I am recording video in MP4 LPCM the touch focus is not working... only in MOV. Am I doing something wrong?
That is correct. WHen in VFR, AF doesn't work at all so hence touch focus won't work either.
@@photojoseph just learned that when VFR is on, touch focus does not work
@@photojoseph GH5, I will look more deeply into the menus to see if I need to activate something for that specific recording format...
Very interesting. Never heard that but I also always shoot in MOV. And you’re sure the touch settings aren’t changing with the mode? What camera?
I did what you said but when i tap on the screen, i get the large grid with small white boxes. when i tap on the screen, i get the yellow boxes that show what is in focus. i'd rather have the small yellow box like what you have. do you know how i get that? thanks!
Had the same issue, just figured it out. You're set to 225-Area focus mode. Press the Fn1 button and choose 1-Area focus. It'll get rid of the grid and give you the box.
Sounds like you’re in the custom AF area designer. Not sure how you would have gotten there following the directions. Power cycle the camera and start over, following my steps precisely; that’s the best advice I can give now.
great video as usual! i needed this! couldn't figure it out on my GH5
Even Offset or Exact they do exact the same thing both ;) gh5
I really am not sure. That operation mode allows you to turn off stabilization for lenses that don’t have their own stabilization switch. It also allows you to enable vertical stabilization only, so if you are panning the camera the stabilization doesn’t fight the lateral movement. If you take the lens off the camera, is that menu available? If it is, then there’s something about the lens blocking it. If it is not, then there’s some other menu system blocking it.
@@photojoseph So Joseph in my monitor when i switch on the camera has the symbol: DUAL 2 ((🖐)). Also in my lens the OIS is on!
In the menu now CAMERA symbol: page 3 > Stabilizer: Has 4 options.
1st: Operation Mode ((🖐)) *Greyed* (Why This IS GREYED???)
2nd E-Stabilization video OFF
3rd Anamorphic Video OFF
4th Focal Lenght Set OFF
Any thought of what is happening here???
Bill Politis are you sure it’s on? Sounds like it’s disabled but you can’t enable it. You know It’s on or off because of the hand symbol 🖐 on the screen
@@photojoseph Ok yes it works,,thanks! So i have one more question for you Joseph, do you know how to disable IBIS ?? I am asking because the option is "greyed" (its not available) even when i disable the I.S of the 12-35 Lumix Lens. Any thoughts please??? My firmware is the latest one [2.5]. Thanks!
No, they don’t. “Exact” means wherever you touch the screen (i.e. top right corner) that’s where the focus point goes. “Offset” treats it like a trackpad. If you’re seeing different let me know and I’ll dig in but that’s how it (at least used to) work.
I own a gh5 this helped me tremedously! Thanks!
is this gx9 camera sufficient to take videos of a toddler, running across the camera and towards it using this technique? much appreciated
Been doing this for years on my gx85. Essential for wildlife photography. You dont have time to waste manually moving it with 40 button presses.
how to remove [AF] icon in MF mode on gh5?
PhotoJoseph my focus icon disappeared and I don’t see it anymore. Do you know how I can get it back?
@@photojoseph yeah I tried turning off the touch screen. But of course i want to stay that enabled. Anyway, Thank you so much for your response😊 more power🙏
Hm, it seems like the only way to do this is to turn off the touch screen entirely. Go to Custom (C-wrench) > Operation > Touch Settings and turn Touch Screen OFF. But of course this turns off the entire touch screen. Or if you have a manual lens, then this button doesn't appear. It's the button to force auto focus while in manual focus. There may be another way to turn that off but I didn't just find it, sorry.
@@photojoseph there's an af icon at the bottom right of my screen. If i switch to manual mode it is appearing on the screen but if i switch on autofocus mode it will disappear. Just wanto to get rid of that icon in manual mode because i want to put my waveform at the bottom right of my screen. Thank you😊
I don't know what you mean… can you explain more please?
Hi I'm not sure if you'll still get comments on this... I really appreciate your videos about the GH5. I've seen the ones too. Very helpful. A question please.. I'm sure it is possible to use this track pad type focus method when in manual focus mode and looking through the EVF. it works fine for me when looking at the screen but when I look through the EVF and move the focus point on the screen with my thumb the focus assist screen comes up wth magnification but it doesn't focus. Any ideas? I've tried everything. I'm fairly sure it was working like this at some stage.
As usual, a long drawn out video for a small technical tutorial which could have ended in about 4 minutes. Needless talk about your avatar and all that. Some people pompously assume everyone here is their subscriber/follower waiting to know what your doing in life and what you had for breakfast. Get to the point.
Awesome. Thanks for the constructive feedback; always welcome!
@@photojoseph> Nope Joseph. I saw just 2 videos today and when i knew its "your format" just gave them a thumbs down and exited stage left, to never be viewing any of 'your formats' again. LOL.
“As usual”… so you know my format, but keep coming back for more videos and to complain? 🙄
I use offset, but is there a way to tap on screen to instantly focus? You still need to half press the shutter or wait a few seconds for the focus to kick in. Tracking seems to be closer to this effect, but 1 area instant tap to focus would be nice.
Your have to tap and drag (which I admit is weird). Even a tap-wiggle is usually enough.
had my G85 a week now, that's such a cool option. Thanks
Is there anywhere I can download some GH5S video files to test.
I see you have a left master eye like me...makes operating the joystick and the other switches to the right of the EVF a little less convenient eh? Makes shooting a shotgun less convenient too, being right-handed! :-)
I do favor the left eye but I can switch it up. I have an upcoming show about that topic actually!
Hey, Photojoseph! This is random, but I was wondering what the reflector to the right of the screen you had was and where you got it? I have been meaning to get one of those for beauty work for a while now. Thanks!
You’re probably talking about the Westcott Eyelighter. Here’s my video on it:
the latest Olympus cameras also have this with one added benifit you can use only the right part of the rear LCD so your nose hitting the left side won't keep changing the focus point.
Is that how they do it? Clever!
Another great tip! BIG help, I can't handle 4k 24 at the moment but I see I can use AVCD 1080 24fps plus it get almost triple the record time. If I use 1080 30fps it get less than 1hr. Will you see a difference in quality of the two format? Final output will be for youtube. Thanks for all the help.
Definitely. AVCHD is much more compressed. But try it side by side and compare for yourself. The difference may be negligible. It all depends on what you’ll do to the file. If you are basically just uploading straight to YouTube then AVCHD will likely be perfectly fine. If you want to edit and color grade though, it won’t be as nice.
Great video about this awsome feature that made me switch from canon to panasonic when I first got my hands on the GX7.
M43 is just amazing !
GX8 has it but my nose does tend to move my focus point. Currently I use an fn button to turn off the touch screen. I think I just need to train myself to look through the viewfinder using my other eye to prevent moving the focus points.
Yep, switching eyes can definitely help!
I'm using the G85 and never knew about the function, thanks a lot! It's on page 8 and apparently you can focus without looking into the EVF
That's correct you don't have to look through the EVF you can just drag the focus point around the screen.
I find exact and offset work the same for me on the G85
Thanks for yours videos, I Prefer the A illustration, Ciao.
Just in case no-one else chimed in with this answer, even Lumix Bridge cameras with touch capability, such as my FZ-300, can do it.
Thanks for confirming!
G7 does have the touch screen autofocus. It is on page 8 of the wrench C screen. 11:49
Awesome, never knew about this. Thanks for the great info. And yes I got the Panasonic 45-150mm lens for my G7 at Amazon for $148. Amazon still had the sale price at 2am.
WOW that's a deal
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