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Wiral Lite Cable Cam

Photo Moment - January 25, 2019

The Wiral Lite cable cam is an affordable, portable, easy to set up wire cam! It's very cool, really fun, and opens up a whole new world of cinematography.

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Today's Q&A


How would YOU use this thing if you had one? Give me some ideas that I can shoot!!
PhotoJoseph I honestly dunno how heavy it is but I asked the team a while back and they said it would be fine. I’ve seen them use the regular Osmo on it and it seemed to do ok. I also have the Vuze 360 camera that I want to try on this as well.
How heavy is it? And great idea!
I’m planing to do some inside fly throughs for realtor videos. Using my Osmo Pro with this and they said it would be strong enough.
Also you can use any gimbal out there. I would probably use my Osmo Mobile 2 with my phone on it.
You got use it through the window. It's something a drone can't do great. Maybe a year from now when they are in stock. I'll check it out
Cool video, well done !
Stabilisation of the insta360 camera is not enough?
Oh I’m sure it would be. I haven’t used the Wiral in years. I totally should combine the two.
Seems like this plus a 360 camera would be a good combo
Awesome video, guys. Thanks for creating it.

Where cable cams (or cameras on some sort of rail, or "technocranes" that can do push-ins) often shine is stuff like concerts and sport (or even churches), where you're going over a crowd, traversing over, revealing interesting terrain in a situation where drones would be dangerous or unusable -- or would quickly run out of batteries. There's an awesome shot in Wolf of Wall Street where the camera goes through a room revealing all the madness of the party. This sort of gear could also be good for outside-in -- going into a window, car, etc.

So, sure, there's uses. But I gotta say that, personally, the Wiral feels like something you buy because it's a cool relatively cheap gimic, and then it sits on your shelf for a decade gathering dust, before you give it away for $20 on eBay. This is definitely partly my lack of creativity speaking, but I just see so many limitations. It's so shaky, there's no camera control after you've mounted it (including aperture, focus, pan, tilt, zoom), you're limited to light cameras, you probably can't mount a video transmission system, you're probably stuck with wide angle lenses, the line would sag in the middle if the path is horizontal, and it's probably kind of a pain in the butt to mount and operate the Wiral from up high... The coolest shot in your video was the one going up the hill, backwards, with the camera pointed back at the camera crew, but then, as you guys pointed out, you'd need to painstakingly remove the line in post.

There are other wire systems that allow you to mount a drone or gimbal. That's instantly a lot more practical -- you might get a degree of stabilisation, and you also might get the ability to zoom, pan and tilt. But even then there's the limitation that, after you've set the camera, then the shot risks becoming kind of samey if you're in an event coverage type situation -- just going back and forth along the same terrain.
It's definitely not something you use all the time, but it's a great tool for the toolkit when you do want that shot
thanks for the humor, guys
Were tu by this line ?
It came with the wiral
I wonder it if would be more stable with two cables.
Its so fast, you could do some crazy Sam Rami zooms with trike over like thirty feet 🤣
Great video, prime use example for a cable cam.
But when it goes wrong, good luck getting the company to respond to getting it repaired!!! WORST CUSTOMER SERVICE EVER!
That’s sad to hear. I haven’t talked to them in years.
After the initial evaluation of the Wirral cam are you still using this system? reviewers say it's cool but not making use after playing with it
do you know a way for the camera to pan?
How fast can it travel?
I'm extremely disappointed that there is no pan feature, however I just had a major epiphany on how to do that
I use it my insta360 and it does the trick. Gets the footage and I can "point" the camera later in the 360 app
Tell us!
I have one on the way. Cant wait to try it out!
Wish there wasn't the annoying music
More of this, outdoor testing. It's comedy gold, Joseph. Gold!
haha thanks
Because of this I just bought one. Plan to use my Canon EOS 5D Mark III
@1:42 Go to Home Depot and get the tension straps used to strap down furniture and dirtbikes on the back of pick-up trucks.
it needs just the right amount of tension…
thank you
Great video! It's on sale at B&H today. It looks really cool, but I have absolutely no use for it. Or at least, the places I'd like to use it, I couldn't.
Haha it’s definitely cool.
Does this work with a Moza Mini P?
No idea, sorry
Now combine a zoom in or out as you move the camera. Really cool effect.
How do you deal with the noise it generates?
Don’t rely on the camera audio
If filming by yourself. Is it possible for it to move on its own? And stop
Yeah… did you watch the whole video?
Knowledgeable guys with a great persona... Thanks for sharing your skills and passion with us!
Thanks for watching!
Thank you for this wonderful video. I too am trying to figure out how to reduce the shakes.
That doesn't have object tracking does it? I don't see how it would work if it did.. It would have to interface with the camera so it can see what the camera sees
@@photojoseph Thank u!
It does not
sory but this footage is bad.
What if you attached a hollyland 300 to a camera and added that to a Blackmagic atem mini pro to live cast a HS football game.
It’d probably be too heavy for the Wirral, but could be fun to try!
I have been watching a bunch of people's videos on this amazing tool and then I am watching the part in your video where you put it into high-speed mode and I almost fell out of my chair in excitement!!!!!
Man, that is impressive. I don't see why not, but, do you reckon I could get any length of 550 paracord and make my own ridgeline? I think that would be more cost-effective than buying the 100M run for $200 Canadian hahaha
I would use small synthetic winch rope with a rope ratchet for tension and ratchet straps for the trees. It will be heavier but much faster to set up with no sag
Have you found out how to keep it more steady?
There is an additional stabilizer that I tried that works a bit, but it just works best with lighter weight cameras.
It would be cool to mount a DJI Osmo 3 axis stabilized camera and from app select tracking subject mode with or without pan/ pan and tilt mode to see how smooth the shot would be. It would look like a drone shot I believe. I am seriously thinking about getting one after seeing this review. Thanks for sharing.
That sounds cool!
Costs as muh as a mavic mini.
Dude, your cameras upsidedown
oh 💩
love your videos man!
Thank you!
Hello Joseph - thank you for your video presentation and highlighting that issue surrounding the tightening latch / buckle.... I have sent an email to Wiral, together with the YouTube link to your video and have queried this possible problem with the belt slipping etc. I will let you know their reply - is this something that they are aware of.... although your video is last year in Jan 2019, and they may have corrected it.....
Right on, enjoy! It’s a fun device. Can be tricky to get a really smooth shot with heavier cameras but it can be done.
Thank you Joseph for responding to my message - which is very useful to know that the cable line doesn't need to be highly tensioned - I can understand now, why there needs to be a small degree of slack! My Wiral Lite ('Viral' Lite as the Norwegians pronounce it), is arriving on Sunday. Best wishes Alan London UK
actually since then I've come to understand that this is by design. If it's too tight, then the camera is likely to bounce. It needs some slack, and this mechanism helps to ensure the "right" amount of slack in the line!
Is there any way to shoot looking down the line without the line showing up in the shot?
Tilt the camera down far enough that the line isn’t visible.
(Nm) Neuton meters = torque. That number is the foot pounds of torque that is suggested.
Awesome. If only I could measure that reliably with my arms… 😬
Cool product video!

How much control do you have over the speed? Can you slow it down, like, a lot? All the videos I've seen of this product show it moving rather fast, and non one has mentioned anything about speed control.
@@photojoseph Thanks for the reply Joseph!
Actually the speed control is pretty good. You can go quite slowly, plus there's a time lapse mode for VERY slow movement.
thanks for the review... see somone who used it in a great way :
@@photojoseph You're the expert! They used a GoPro that's for sure.
Wow that's a really well done video. Great use of the WIRAL as well. I'm guessing that the WIRAL shots were done with a GoPro or equivalent, given the apparent lower bitrate and resulting in much more blockiness for those shots? Thanks for sharing!
But maybe the clip on the tree is designed like that so as to supply exactly the correct level of tension to the rope? As you said “who knows what 40 Nn is??”
Turns out you’re pretty much right. I’m planning a follow up video
This is amazing, you look exactly like me!
Here's an example of what you can do with the Wiral Lite.
The technology is good but who has time to setup all that... Its a fast pased worls
LOL not every shot is run-and-gun!
Needs a better motor, one that runs truly silent (it can be done). Needs better dampening of cord vibration. Remote needs much work, you should be able to set a continuous speed with auto-off in normal mode.
Is there a slow speed setting for running it VERY slowly?
The time lapse mode I suppose is the way to make it the slowest. Haven’t played with that though.
Do the controls allow for delicate slow movements, with stops and starts, without causing shaking?
Yes but it takes practice
been using this a few times now and i is way to wobbly. almost impossible to get smooth footage
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