Hi there,
So I was a good boy and after adding keywords, I wrote the IPTC info to the masters.
Then I was keywording again today, made a mistake and moved a few keywords around. Tried to move them back with Undo and that didn't help me as there were a few so the keywords were deleted.
BUT, the masters in the folders have the keywords stamped on them.
Is there a way to take the keywords from the IPTC list of the Master and put back into my keywords list? I've watching the 007 training video about keywording, but it didn't provide the answer I”m looking for. doh!
To be clear, when I look at the image using ” U ” in the preview screen, I can see the keywords, but if I create a Smart Album, those photos do not appear with the criteria I select (which tells me I did idiotically strip the keywords from AP off the images). Lesson learned, leave that lock button on lol
I'm on the lastest rev of AP.
Select the photos in your Library, the use the menu option
Metadata > Update from Original
That should re-read the data from the master file.
Photographer | https://www.walterrowe.com | https://instagram.com/walter.rowe.photo