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Aperture 3.0.2, Adjustment Presets, and More

PhotoJoseph's picture
March 29, 2010 - 2:31am

Hi all,

Thanks for your patience while I’ve been busy in Singapore and Hong Kong. I’m flying home tomorrow, and will finally get to catch up on this site! In the meantime, a little housekeeping…

Aperture 3.0.2

By now most of you have seen that there’s another update to Aperture, now at 3.0.2. It’s got so many fixes that I’m just going to point you over to Apple’s own Aperture 3.0.2 Release Notes. There’s a slew of improvements and updates, including one very very important fix that brings us to…

Adjustments Preset Pack

There’s been a bug plaguing Aperture 3 that prohibited me from distributing my preset pack. I didn’t want to say that before publicly in the event that the bug wasn’t fixed and I had to come up with a whole new set of presets, but fortunately the fix is in place so I can finally release. I need to test them all again, (and some of them for the first time!) so I’ll be doing that this week once I return home. Thanks SO MUCH for your patience, I’m sorry to have been so vague on the release date on this. But we’re finally nearly ready to go. I hope to make it worthwhile.

iPad’s a-comin’!

I’ll be in line on April 03 to get mine, how about you? ;-) The reason I’m jumping so quickly is so I can get my eBooks into the ePub format and test on the iPad. I’ll get those out asap, and I’ll charge a nominal fee for anyone who wants the iPad version who already has the PDF. Moving forward, I intend to release future eBooks in both formats, and in fact I’ve been thinking of some clever ways to take advantage of the iPad and make the eBooks even more interesting. Should be fun!

That’s it for now. I know there’s a bunch of unanswered questions in the forums (anyone who wants to can answer those too, by the way!) and I’ll hopefully work on some of those on the plane and post a bunch of stuff when I’m finally home.

-Joseph @ApertureExpert

Apple Aperture
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