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Aperture 3.3.1 Update

PhotoJoseph's picture
June 30, 2012 - 7:14pm

A little update to Aperture 3.3 has dropped, as Aperture 3.3.1. You can get it from Software Update or the App Store or from here, as usual.

The only fix it lists is “Fixes an issue that in rare cases could cause Aperture to hang or quit unexpectedly when upgrading libraries”, which was definitely an issue reported here by a few users, so that’s good to see.

I’m also hoping that there’s an undocumented fix here to allow importing of presets again. I’m on a slow connection so the upgrade will take overnight; however if any of you can test by installing any ApertureExpert preset that has textures (so the Textures or Film sets) that have had previous problems installing and let me know in the comments, I’d appreciate it!

Apple Aperture


iJust imported your Film Funk Preset #5 w/o getting an error and all seems well

Update: iReceived no import error on Preset #4


My library won’t let me have both #4 and #5 installed. In other words, if #4 is installed w/o an error and you ok out to start another import ~ I get the import error while trying to install #5. However, if iDelete #4 and than try #5 it does installed w/o the import error ~ and vise versa ~ hope this helps and not get you confused

After finishing the update the presets are gone from the menu and importing gives me an error. Even the ones that do import are gone again after restarting Aperture. That doesn’t just go for your presets but also all he ones I created myself (and have a back-up of). Seems like a very weird issue.

I can no longer import mp4 from my Sony nex-5n incompatible file format. …upgraded to incompatibility … Marvelous

Issue I’m having after the update is that if I’m using a brush and am zoomed in on the image and try to pan around to a new area the brush closes. I have to bring up the brush panel for the adjustment each time I need to move on to another area of the image. It’s a bit tedious and gets old really quick.

For those who tested with success — thank you!

For those still having troubles, try trashing the preset file and starting from scratch. Quit Aperture, then go to ~/Library/Application Support/Aperture/ and trash the file Adjustment Chain Presets.plist, and relaunch and try to import again.

Scott, please start a new support forum topic on this if you haven’t already.

— Have you signed up for the mailing list?

Gave the largest pack a shot without having installed any before… it “works” in that Aperture doesn’t throw an error and the preset file expands to 1GB, but the film textures aren’t applied to photos.

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