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Filter on date does not work properly #1
Ruud Hennequin's picture
by Ruud Hennequin
November 12, 2013 - 6:25pm


I am trying (in Aperture 3.4.5) to use the Filter HUD in order to filter my pictures for a specific date.

You can either choose Add Rule => Date or Add Rule => EXIF and choose Date there.

Set Date “is” and enter e.g. 03-11-13. That does not work! Though I have pictures with that Date when I look in the Inspector under EXIF info.
I tried all sorts of other date formats, but without result.
(13/11/03, 03-11-2013, 11-03-2013, November 03, 2013, etc.)

Funny thing is, when I leave the year out, so e.g. November 03, it works!

Anyone else experiences the same?

Note: Format Region is set to Dutch in System Preferences.

Ruud Hennequin

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