I updated to OS X months ago and have had no issues using aperture. I was also running the most recent version of Aperture on my Mac. I copied some of my libraries to my back up hard drive yesterday with no issues. I opened a few of my backups on the hard drive and received the prompts to update to newer version of Aperture which I did. This morning when I went to open Aperture and looked at each of my Aperture Libraries in the Pictures folder they were there but showed a picture of an empty page with corner folded. When I click on Aperture now on my Mac it has a line crossed through it and says “You can’t open the application Aperture because it is not supported on this type of Mac.” I tried opening my back up libraries on the hard drive and they all show the same picture of the empty page as well.
Reinstall Aperture, the application itself seems to be damaged and has lost its filetype associations (which is why the .aplib files (your libraries) are showing up as generic documents.
#nofilter before anyone knew what it meant.