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Aperture 3.6 Import issues #1
Rick Stuve's picture
by Rick Stuve
October 22, 2014 - 6:49pm

I believe since the update to Aperture / Final Cut / Raw support a couple days before Yosemite came out to make them compatible with Yosemite I have had a hard time importing from various memory cards, readers or directly from the camera.  When I plug in a card and aperture opens up and I choose the import option random photos appear in the import window and Aperture hangs on the message Loading Assets.  The only way to load all  pictures to Aperture is to copy the pictures to a folder on the hard drive and import from there.  This has happened with multiple cards using various card readers / USB cords etc..


An interesting side note is I am having issues importing into Final Cut also.  Only way to do it with out FCPX crashing is to again copy files to a folder on the hard drive and import from there.    






Semper Fi

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