Anyone who come up with a temporarily (until MacPhuns is ready) solution on how to use Luminar with a file browser? I like the raw processor - and the versatility - of Luminar. But less so the need to find and old, edited image. Not even Finder shows the preview. Some browser, like Bridge and Photo Mechanic, don’t even show the file at all.
Since I am also trying ON1 RAW at this time, I am using the browser in ON1. You can send the RAW file from ON1 to Luminar. You then can export the image as a tiff file back to the folder of the original and ON1 will see it. I color code the tiffs to find them easier. If I am not finished with Luminar, I save as .lmf file in separate folder with a unique file name until I am finished. Like you, I am hoping the Luminar DAM solution will be soon and meet my needs. At that point I will spend a rainy day reorganizing my images.
Hi John,
and thanks for the input. I have also tried ON1 Raw, but find it to rough around the edges for the moment. I’m having a serious memory problem with it - goes from 900 MB ram up to 10 GB ram after editing a couple of images.
I have actually return to Aperture ;). It’ not a long time solution, but so far nothing come close to Aperture’s DAM function.
/ MvB