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This ATEM (mini) Tips” series of short video tutorials for your Blackmagic ATEM hardware includes tips for all users, from beginner to advanced. Scroll down to see more in the series!

This is a collection of all PhotoJoseph LIVE shows, from the PhotoJoseph YouTube channel. Additional episodes are listed below!

YouTube iOS App Gets YouTube Live (Finally!)

Photo Moment - March 16, 2017

The native iOS YouTube app is rolling out YouTube live to its users. It started out for those with 10k or more followers (of which I'm not!), but it just showed up for me last night. Apparently it's still not available for everyone still, but it appears to be coming! Let's see how it works.


DE smartLav+: [B&H -] [Amazon -] [Adorama -]
DE SC1 TRRS Extension Cable: [B&H -] [Amazon -] [Adorama -]

Testing a Third-Party App for Live YouTube Streaming: Emoze:
How to Add a Wireless Microphone to iPhone 7:
LIVE Through the iPhone Within a LIVE PhotoJoseph's Photo Moment:
Building a (Budget) Live Broadcast Studio:

Today I think the audio is much more clear, but video is comparably the same. I compared a video "Epiphan Pearl-2: One 4K Camera into Multiple HD Angles!" to this video side by side and listened to them multiple times. So I like what is being done now for the quality of both sound and video.
Image quality - not so good (compared to before.) But having said that, the quality was truly excellent prior to your troubles - best I've seen.
You should put affiliate links for different countries depending on percentage of viewers.
+L4LTV You're not wrong but figuring out what stores people like to order from could get challenging. My stats are primarily US then U.K., with Germany next at 7%, and each country dropping from there. What are the big camera stores that people in Europe buy from? I think my Amazon affiliate links will still credit me if you click on then buy from a non-US store but I could be wrong. Should find out actually!
Chat Log From the LIVE Show

Martin Pitt​Good Morning Joseph

Martin Pitt​In yesterday's show, you mentioned you would get Ryan to put the external power adaptor details in the show notes. I can't see it?

Grant Matthews​Good morning Joseph!

Joseph Linaschke​Good morning… tech issues but abut to start

Martin Pitt​Always blame the tools I say 😃

Sully Cortez​hey joseph!

Xackery Xtal​Morning

Sully Cortez​hey chat room!

TheBurnsTech​Ahh made it!

Martin Pitt​Hi Sully

Jess Smith​Hello Joseph, Hello all. I think we played jury duty tag. Lol I got called for tomorrow.

SkateTube​good afternoon in spain haha

Sully Cortez​lit can't even tell the quality diff lol looks great regardless i'm sure if we pixel peeped we could find a diff otherwise looks great

Dominik Hartmann​hi from switzerland

Martin Pitt​Personally I think the quality is clearer today.


Xackery Xtal​Quality difference is notable I'm doing Chromecast on a 1080p 42 inch TV but both are good


Joseph Linaschke​thankyou Martin, i think the same thing

Xackery Xtal​Yesterday was better yes

ClouderTV​i miss the 4k stream already

Guy Hyat​Yes clear today...

Sully Cortez​interesting i couldnt tell a diff

trevorpinnocky​wow. a neck strap. I haven't seen one of those in ages.. 😃

Sully Cortez​lol

Dominik Hartmann​looks good on the phone 👍🏼 finally made it live - its 5:37 pm here

Martin Pitt​Joseph, you appear to be clearer around the edges of your shirt/computer screen etc, for me. Sort of jump out better from the image.

TheBurnsTech​I dont have the upstream bandwidth to stream at anything over 3.5mbit

ClouderTV​no peak design pro clip...

Grant Matthews​Peak Design system is my fav

Sully Cortez​nah

Sully Cortez​mine too grant

Dominik Hartmann​i use the peak design slide 👌🏼

SkateTube​i would like to see a streaming about the software you use to stream, you use vmix right?

Sully Cortez​peak designs straps are best 😉

Graham Gott​I misread the title. I thought the new Panasonic app was out for IOS...

Sully Cortez​i especially like their hand strap

Rafael A. P Maduro​hello, from aruba, 12:37pm here

Sully Cortez​it is graham

ClouderTV​i have the 30L everyday backpack love it

Sully Cortez​oh so lucky clouder

TheBurnsTech​The stream does seem to have some more grain than normal. Im on Windows 8.1 Pro using the latest Chrome browser on a 4k monitor

Graham Gott​Is it out for Android as well...?

Sully Cortez​idk

Sully Cortez​lol i think that was martin haha

Graham Gott​Thank you Sully. I'll go get it now...

Martin Pitt​I promise I won't mention the wrinkles again 😃

trevorpinnocky​They have to start making this process a lot simpler, and more affordable for YouTube content providers.

TheBurnsTech​oh yeah, the variables between the viewers is going to be quite vast

ClouderTV​its his aura

Ashor K​Hello from the North Pole, Ontario, Canada

TheBurnsTech​i wish i had 30 up lol, im stuck at 5 up

TheBurnsTech​it sure makes uploading 2-3gb 4k videos to youtube take some time

SkateTube​thank you i will be tuned :)

Sully Cortez​just as simple as facebook live

Sully Cortez​which is the easiest imo

ClouderTV​what are you pressing to switch?

Sully Cortez​the atem

Sully Cortez​it's a switcher

Sully Cortez​yay i can now livestream!

Xackery Xtal​What about using open broadcaster software to do all the upscaling etc? It's free

Sully Cortez​don't HAVE to go to facebook anymore 😉

Sully Cortez​lol

Carlos Quintero​slight delay - audio out of sync

Sully Cortez​gordan really does an amazing job at reviews

Sully Cortez​just wish he would show more 'content' and less talking heads.... that's where joseph kills it 😉

Floris​Good day from the Nerherlands like everyday. Did you change your starting time of the live stream? Because it now fits better into my schedule. I just got out of work and it's still before dinner time

Chris de Bruin​Hi From the Netherlands

Floris​Cool 😃

ClouderTV​hmm opened my youtube app and I only see record not live

Marvin_PA​Wrinkles or monitor interference ?😂

Sully Cortez​meeee

CapaCern​I think it's going to kill this live

Sully Cortez​ok will do

Sully Cortez​i think it will too

CapaCern​Because I saw on another channel that stopped the previous one

Floris​the tab is open


Martin Pitt​A most wanted picture....$1000 reward 😃


Sully Cortez​i can see the stream in the other window lmao that stupid thumbnail

ClouderTV​can you just upload a thumbnail....

trevorpinnocky​wow. those photography skills are on point. *joke*.. 😀

Sully Cortez​nah


Sully Cortez​it is

Martin Pitt​Not got it up yet

Sully Cortez​but it says ur not live yet

Xackery Xtal​Not seeing it

Floris​No, second stream yet.

Sully Cortez​lol

ClouderTV​when does the rode video mic pro+ come out

CapaCern​Thank you #Apple2017

trevorpinnocky​"Live stream is starting soon"...

Martin Pitt​Not seeing the thumbnail/stream yet

Sully Cortez​yea

Sully Cortez​its not live yet martin

Martin Pitt​Yeah not seeing the pre-live message

TheBurnsTech​not seeing it on your page

Sully Cortez​go to his page

Sully Cortez​refresh

Sully Cortez​and you'll see it on his main page

SoCalledSomeone​I can see both in my iPad stream

Sully Cortez​both are live lmao oh god the audio

Sully Cortez​nope it killed the other stream

TheBurnsTech​nope, not seeing it


TheBurnsTech​this show is now from the phone

Sully Cortez​its now only the iphone stream

Joseph Linaschke​i still see both

Grant Matthews​Can see is delayed...funny..

trevorpinnocky​yes. just one stream.

SoCalledSomeone​I have both, one on iPad or their on iphone

Sully Cortez​lol yes you can see both, but its still the iphone stream only

Jess Smith​I have both, I think. The phone one is ahead

Sully Cortez​at least for me

Henry Dennis​I can see both. iPhone is 7-10 secs ahead.

Floris​I did get a notification on my phone, but I don't see a second stream in my browser.

Martin Pitt​Hello other people in other stream waves

TheBurnsTech​it shouldnt let you do a dual live stream since youtube uses a stream key and its only good for 1 stream. it would be similar to using 2 devices on 1 IP address (not possible)

trevorpinnocky​is there a correct exposure filter? ... overexposure level is brutal..

TheBurnsTech​real time streaming protocol is an interesting but simple thing once its understood and how it all works. its a lot for me to type


Marvin_PA​It says 2 streams

Xackery Xtal​1080p here.. 720p on the iphone stream

Jeremy Erickson​iphone is 720p

Marvin_PA​getting 1080p but 420 initially, had to select HD

Windeos​main video is 1080p, iphone video is 720p

Grant Matthews​Switch back to main camera!!

Marvin_PA​definitely better on main screen

CapaCern​Joseph, I wonder if you brought a small totem during this streaming on the streaming. Otherwise you'll be lock up there forever ahahah

Grant Matthews​It looks pretty good...nice app

Floris​On my phone I see the Iphone stream. which is flipped and the lamp is on the right and on my computer it's on the left.

Xackery Xtal​sync time, the iphone one is about a 10s ahead to me.

TheBurnsTech​hmm this is interesting for sure

Grant Matthews​This means PhotoJoseph's photomoments Tour!!!!

Sully Cortez​Lmao that photo

Xackery Xtal​possessed photojoe

TheBurnsTech​your page is saying 2 live streams but i can only see one stream

Sully Cortez​Bahahaha

Xackery Xtal​look for left/right arrow @TheBurnsTech on right side of photo

Jess Smith​Wow. Freaky

Floris​lol great photo moment.
Sully Cortez​What is peak concurrent?

TheBurnsTech: ​it was grayed out @Xackery Xtal even after refreshing. no biggie.

Sully Cortez: ​Ha I use go to meeting for my job

TheBurnsTech​: ok it was showing up in firefox. chrome is being a.... (insert cuss here)

Sully Cortez​: Haha burnstech

TheBurnsTech​: lol

Xackery Xtal​: Do you know where his facebook livestream is at?

TheBurnsTech: ​i have a love/hate relationshit with chrome and firefox

Sully Cortez​: Have you used Brave?

Sully Cortez: ​It's from the inventor of firefox

TheBurnsTech: ​i have not

Sully Cortez: ​It's sick faster than chrome and made to block all ads

TheBurnsTech​: well then, i shall check it out

TheBurnsTech​: thanks sully

Marvin_PA​OBS: -

Anthony Graham​: Please ask Panasonic to stock DC couplers in the UK, have to import from the US, paying taxes and fees as a result

Sully Cortez: ​;)

Anthony Graham: ​(Slightly off topic I know)

Sully Cortez: ​Ahhhh I see that's what peak concurrent means thanks

TheBurnsTech: ​thats good that its showing those stats...finally lol

Sully Cortez​: Yea I'll be live streaming on YouTube now instead of facebook

TheBurnsTech​: i like streaming to youtube way better than facebook... again, love/hate with facebook as well lol

trevorpinnocky​: The Facebook notification services are terrible. I've never gotten one on time.

TheBurnsTech: thank you Joseph for using landscape... i cant stand portrait videos

Sully Cortez: I know

Martin Pitt​: Samsung blowing up in face...LOL. It was a feature you know! 😃

TheBurnsTech​: ooooh i agree with oem batteries. ive had crap luck with off-brand batteries and i will never use one in a $1k+ camera or any other device

Marvin_PA​: Try contacting Dan Wheeler at Holdan, as theyre the UK Panasonic reps

Sully Cortez​: I'm signed up :)

Espen Glomsvoll​: hello from Norway! Do you have the xlr1 unit there?

Martin Pitt​Joseph: have you tried can get money

TheBurnsTech​: enable superchat

Anthony Graham​: Where's the GH5?!?

TheBurnsTech: ​i see the $ button

Martin Pitt​: mentioned it 😛

Sully Cortez​: Yea

Sully Cortez: ​Oh cool

Sully Cortez: ​I feel that one or the other

TheBurnsTech: ​I like the option to donate directly to the stream instead of a monthly commitment.

Sully Cortez​: Me too

Jess Smith: ​One or the other, but let me know, cuz I would love to support the show.

Xackery Xtal: ​You'll probably be waiting months and months (6+) before it's viable financially, unless you already have a community, YouTube monetization.

trevorpinnocky: ​i think YouTube content providers try to work out sponsorships to supplement YT income.

Marvin_PA​: Super chat doesn't do PayPal, it wants my credit card

Martin Pitt: ​Any idea what the revenue split for the superchat is for you?

Anthony Graham: ​Would love to see more technique videos (like the one light portrait) especially with the GH5 :)

Sully Cortez: ​Lol that sucks

Sully Cortez: ​Yea it's part of Amazon affiliate TOS

TheBurnsTech: thanks Joseph!

Marvin_PA: ​GH5 vs G85 auto focus compparasion?

TheBurnsTech​: see ya chat

Sully Cortez: ​Later joseph

Sully Cortez: ​Later chat room

Joseph Linaschke: ​I figure this will take two years before it's financially viable, and that's fine…

Martin Pitt​: Cracking show!

Joseph Linaschke: ​… I just want to get it started. SLOW is OK, I don't mind. I just need to see the growth and feel confident that it's happening…

Joseph Linaschke​: … but with Patreon being so slow, and totally disconnected from YouTube, it's just not happening…

Joseph Linaschke: ​… granted I could be asking you every show to contribute, but I don't like doing that…

Marvin_PA: ​Worth a $ punt 😃

Joseph Linaschke: ​… the superheat thing seems easier. BUT people would have to use it. Hence my request for your opinion…

Joseph Linaschke​: …I don't want to make this into something where I'm asking for money all the time. That's super lame. ≥

Xackery Xtal​: I think Patreon is better, personally.. But yeah, your audience size makes a big strain for supporting the 2k+ cost of show per month, to start.

Joseph Linaschke​: … But, the show does eventually have to pay for itself at minimum, and it'd be nice if it actually made some money

Joseph Linaschke​: THAT is all 😉

Martin Pitt: ​Looks like it shows local currency

Martin Pitt​: So GBP in the UK

Joseph Linaschke​: Martin if you're still here…

Martin Pitt​: Yup, i'm here

Grant Matthews: ​Did the feed drop, or was that my end?

Joseph Linaschke: ​revenue splitis YT takes 5% plus a small processing fee… I forget what but it's similar to Paypal

Xackery Xtal​: livestream is over, Grant.

Joseph Linaschke​ :the 5% is more than PayPal though. BUT of course it's connected to the chat, has instant feedback, and is designed for small contributions

Martin Pitt​: Good to hear, I would prefer you get the bulk and not YouTube.

Joseph Linaschke​: Thanks Martin… me too 😉

Joseph Linaschke​: OK signing off. Thanks folks!

Martin Pitt​: So call it 10% to the companies and you 90%.

Xackery Xtal​: Adios.

Martin Pitt:​ Thanks as always...have a great day!
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