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This ATEM (mini) Tips” series of short video tutorials for your Blackmagic ATEM hardware includes tips for all users, from beginner to advanced. Scroll down to see more in the series!

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RØDECaster Video Pro — Your Questions Answered!

Photo Moment - September 27, 2024

I took the top questions from the comments on the first RODECaster Pro video and answered them in this video! Did I get them all?

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Nice video, and what’s about HDMI length before losing connection Sir
You can look up ranges for different HDMI specifications but you can go VERY long with fiber HDMI:
Joseph, can the rodecaster video send a live feed through the USB-C to the PC for streaming AND record on the SSD at the same time?
@@photojoseph hm...i never used them so i'm not too dtrong in that area, but i'll try.
Will be glad to hear from you if you find out. :)
@sdda35 hm, I’d have to dig in as I don’t recall if there’s a button for that. Remember that you now have streamDeck and bitfocus companion support which maybe a better way to trigger things from afar.
Joseph, How can i trigger the "auto switch" option from the road central app (With my mouse and keyboard)
Without pressing the actual button?

Let's say if I'm farther away from the rodecaster and i want to do it with my laptop.
@photojoseph  thank you so much, great channel!
question, I'm trying to figure out how to have 3 XLR mics and 3 Headphones, 2 mics and headphones going into the Rodecaster Video, and One Mic and Headphone going into my rodecaster pro 2 that is attached, the rodecaster pro 2 headphones sounds weird when listening to the mics from the rodecaster video, I'm trying to set this up for a podcast and also use the auto switching feature on the video. Let me know if you have any tips to fix this?
HELP! Just bought this and can't get HDMI A or HDMI B audio output. Does it even support HDMI A or HDMI B audio output? The audio inputs from HDMI 1-4 all coming it and have sound, but can't get it to output through HDMI A or HDMI B.
it's off by default. In the RØDE Central app, go to Device Configuration > Audio > HDMI Output and set it to Live Mix.

I have a livestream event tomorrow and couldn't figure out how to get the sound to come through on HDMI. Was about to give up, but your video is #1 result on Google.

That’s awesome, thanks and good luck with the show!
Does the RCV have an option to convert / channel fill a mono audio input e.g sennheiser packs are all mono out. On the atem I can do this and mirror it so both L/R are filled.

Does the RCV allow iso and pgm recording at the same time or is it only iso and only pgm record.

Bummer that it doesn’t close the recording like the atems, that’s almost a deal breaker for me.
@@photojoseph Another question - coming from Atem - i'm super confused on the audio side, are we able to customise button functions like mute an audio channel or activate a audio channel.

I'm really missing my MIC buttons and AFV buttons :(
I'm planning to answer your question on the live show, Friday 2024-11-29 14:00 GMT -- if you can't be there, of course the replay will be available!
Hi @PhotoJoseph. I'd like to let you know about a serious issue with the ATEM Mini Pro switcher that totally ruined my livestream. Apparently a few users have reported this problem: when you set the switcher and all cameras to 1080p23.98, the ATEM will drop frames intermittently and it will look like 12 fps instead of 24 fps - all the motion looks very slow. It happens completely randomly and because of this it is unusable. When I switched the setting to 1080p59.94, the issue went away completely. It is sad that Blackmagic won't fix this issue because there are many times I like filming and livestreaming at 24 fps. Are you able to do some internal testing on your end to see if you can replicate this issue? It started happening about 10 minutes into the stream. You can see an example of this issue on this YouTube video:
I just found this in my held comments; FYI if you post a link, even to youtube (which is silly), the comment will get held. I haven't seen this but haven't tested for it and normally don't stream at 23.98. I saw a comment on the video that there's a blackmagic post about this? Please send me that link (it'll get flagged but I'll be looking for it). And 100% sure the ATEM and the cameras are set to 23.98 -- not 24, or anything else? While the ATEM should scale, it's always best to keep everything the exact same framerate.
Joseph, I uploaded two videos to the Rodecaster Video and they play great but no audio? Any ideas?
The format of the videos that the RCV wants is pretty specific. Check the manual to be sure you made them as needed. But also are you sure you had audio from the video player enabled?
1. Can you apply the Aphex audio processing to the audio coming in from an HDMI source. 2. Can you split the left and right from an HDMI source into separate mono channels? 3. And if so, again, can you apply Aphex audio processing to those two mono channels... and if so, can you adjust them individually for each of those left and right split mono channels or will the same processing settings apply to both the split left and right with no individual adjustments available?
I have one difficult question. How the Video Follow Audio features is working with a Rodecaster Pro II ? Would love to know if I can add settings with microphones 3 and 4, not only 1 and 2.

@ I should make that the next one after the one I’m working on now. It’s a popular request!
Ok thanks. Any idea when the video with detailed tests will be released ? Question of weeks or months? Can't wait to see it, I can't find informations for the moment.​@@photojoseph
You can make any audio source trigger any camera. You don’t have to use the triggering audio source in the production — just use it to queue the camera switch.
That is a lot of delay in output from the BGH1, have you tried the audio fix to reduce latency? Disable audio output on the HDMI / SDI to reduce the latency, well documented on other LUMIX cameras.
Yes that does work. I didn’t do it here because I needed to show audio over HDMI.
What sample rate and bit depth does the audio record at?
I'm planning to answer your question on the live show, Friday 2024-11-29 14:00 GMT -- if you can't be there, of course the replay will be available!
Can it take a feed from a PC to bring in remote video guests from Zoom or Skype and be used as video sources to manipulate in scenes? If not, it's a totally useless box like the Director Mini and Yolobox. Video podcasters with hosts all over the country need to be able to use Zoom as video sources.
@photojoseph  ok i watched that link...unfortunately I'm more confused as it made no sense to someone new to all this stuff! Atem just makes it way more complicated than what I'm asking about. I simply want to be able to build my scenes with all the graphics, music, transitions and my two cohosts coming in from zoom so i can just click a few buttons to have it all work on the fly to save me ALL that post editing time and headache. Maybe these boxes aren't the way to do that...but I I don't use OBS or any of those either...comthought there'd be a simpler way.
@photojoseph  yeah maybe...i thought you could take a usbc or as you said hdmi and it takes the zoom feed in then you can manipulate the sources as any other camera...I'll check out your video thanks!
@sibertiger17 Maybe Aaron thought you meant to have a direct feed of the Zoom call, which would require ZoomISO (a technology) to be built into the hardware. No one is doing that yet in hardware; just software. What I’m talking about is simply screen sharing or “screen scraping” which can work very well. I did a video on it a couple of years ago; here: (this is specifically using ATEM but can be adapted to anything)
@photojoseph  you're the first one that says it can be done! Aaron Palecki says its not supported. How do you do it then? Can you use the hdmi signal twice to split up the hosts? Have you done it or could you try it and demonstrate? That would be helpful
OK… yes, of course it can bring in any computer as a source. Any switcher with HDMI inputs can bring in a computer as a source. Which includes the Director Mini and the Yolobox. A computer over HDMI is treated no differently than a camera over HDMI. So, I think your conclusion that the Director Mini and Yolobox are "totally useless" is severely misplaced.
I bought a Rodcaster Video for one of my studios. So far we have several ATEM MINI ISO EXTREME. On the ATEM, the ISO files are uncompressed and they are huge. Is that the same case with the Rodecaster? Is the PGM file the same as the ISO files? Thanks a lot!
@@photojosephwell, on the atem iso you can control the pgm bit rate, that can range from 2 to 70, but you cannot control the iso bitrate, which is 70. My question is if this is the same case on the rodecaster video. I will test it out.
The video files from the ATEM and from the RØDE are not uncompressed. They are MPEG-4 files, which is a highly compressed format. Uncompressed video is massive. The real question is what bitrate is used. I have not compared the two but I would assume they are relatively close to the same. I believe PGM and ISO files are the same bitrate but I can’t says with 100% confidence.
Could Rode integrate the video functionalities of the Rodecaster Video into the Rodecaster Pro 2 in the next product? That would create a killer all-in-one device, combining both video and audio capabilities. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be in a rush to buy this product. It lacks many intuitive features and feels like just the beginning of a promising future for similar products.
Anything is possible!
What is the use of these antennas on the back?
I just got this last week, and I need help getting a video feed in Streamyard and Zoom; they pick up the device but not the video feed. Would you happen to have any idea how to troubleshoot this? I have tried many things already, and Rode has not answered.
Rode will be replacing the device, which seems like a small glitch after many tests.
@photojoseph  thank you so much. I will take a look at the connections again today. Will let you know.
You’re using USB-1 and seeing dual usb connections in the software? If not, use the first ISB port on the RØDE, and be sure that you’re selecting the right RØDE USB connection in software. I don’t have the names in front of me; you’ll need to look.
2:40 practical stress testing is key.. good stuff man.. thank you..
My pleasure!
1:56 you could always try to close them (add an end wrapper) via FFmpeg.. this saved me years ago when I crashe d a drone & the card popped out while recording..
Can you record 4k in Atomos Ninja V with Rodecaster or Atem?
@@photojoseph Thanks! That's a shame, i was looking to record the switching 4k cameras in Ninja
Only if you put the Ninja between the camera and the switcher.
How could I order the color cables, they're not on the RODE website
@@photojoseph Thank you so much, I appreciate it
Actually they are. I just added the link to the description as well:
This is the video all of us we were waiting for!, perfect details, thank you!
Love hearing that, thanks!
Hello, I was wondering if you think that it is possible to record my screen (ISO) on to a RODE Caster Video from an old Thunderbolt display monitor (or if anyone out that has made this work). I have tried using a random mini display port to HDMI with no luck (I get a signal on the RCV but a black screen). What I am seeing on the internet is that it is not possible. I checked out your ATEM mini video from 3 years ago and you said there that an adapter (mini display port to HDMI) would work but I am guessing that the Thunderbold display (2011) is "special?" Might finally be time to upgrade my monitors.
@@photojoseph I really appreciate you taking the time to respond to my question!! I don't have time to check it out now because I have a wife breathing down my neck to go see the autumn changing leaves, but I did hook it up quickly via a hub. And it was a mess, I didn't have access to my computer desktop but my computer screen did show up on the RCV!! 😀 I am sure with a little tweaking I can figure it out from here. Thanks so much!!! I will let you know when I get there.
Oh man… sorry I can’t help you here. Some of those monitors had peculiarities to the signal path. But the monitor shouldn’t matter. If you can get an HDMI out of your computer into the RØDE, initially the Mac will treat it as a second monitor. But then you just mirror it in the display settings.
As always, great overview! I have the Rodecaster Duo and am currently doing some game streaming with two HDMI cameras connected directly to my PC via an Elgato Cam Link Pro. I manage camera takes and scenes through OBS with a Stream Deck. I was thinking of switching to a dedicated video mixer, like the Rodecaster Video or something like the Feelworld L4, which is half the price of the Rodecaster Video.

What do you think? What would be the greatest advantage of having a dedicated video mixer compared to the Cam Link Pro?

Thank you in advance for your feedback!
The advantages are that you're not taking up resources from the computer, you have more reliability in a dedicated switcher, you can add more inputs with a switcher than you can with HDMI capture cards (you're limited to one input per USB port, and have to add more cards, and can easily saturate the bandwidth of your USB BUS). All that said… if what you have works now, there's probably no reason to upgrade. But if you want to add more cameras or get the additional features of the hardware, then it's worth considering!
Atem Macros vs RodeCaster Video Scenes
@@photojoseph I'd love to see that
The equivalent comparison is ATEM supersource vs RØDE scenes. Macros are just scripts. But yes, definitely a comparison to make!
Nice testing! Rode should have these Q&A's on their website.
Can the Roadcaster video device be used on my laptop, say at a meeting, then take it back to my office and use it with my desktop?
Of course!
Great Q/A, ty. I really don't understand why they decided not to support 4k@30 😭
@@photojoseph 4k streaming but also recording videos without having to spend a lot of time in postprduction to change scenes. I'm using OBS + streamdeck, but I'd love to simplify the setup and only having one "simple" device.
Money. 4K is expensive. I’m really surprised at how many people seem upset that it’s not 4K. The cheapest ATEM that does 4K is $5,000 and that doesn’t even record. What is your personal interest in 4K streaming?
Hey Joseph, thanks for your informative video, great stuff! I've got a couple of questions - hoping you might be able to answer these. 1) How tricky is it to quickly adjust audio levels or turn one of the audio inputs on or off? I guess this is the big advantage of physical audio buttons however if it's something that can be achieved reasonably easily then it's most likely workable in a live situation. I work solo and have quite a mobile kit - adding in a Rodecaster Pro just to help with audio probably won't work with the setup I have. 2) Does the Rodecaster Video have multiply video processors so you can stream at one bitrate and record the program out to SSD at another bitrate?
1. Easy enough especially once you’re familiar with the menus. Of course not as fast as have no a series of dedicated faders and buttons though. You can pair it with the RØDE audio interface for a full audio fader experience.

2. I don’t have a solid answer. I haven’t tested streaming various bitrates while recording to compare, however I did look at the bitrate of a recording and I think it was 20mbps if memory serves, so that would be higher than streaming. Which likely means “yes” to your question, but you don’t have control over the recording one.
can you use any camera original in RØDECaster Video ISO recording like ATEM ISO in davinci resolve As you did in the video in which you explained the method
@@photojoseph Thank you
Yes, of course. There’s no XML file to even link right now, so you’re just talking about recording in camera — the RØDE is irrelevant at that point.
The Atem extreme iso is advertised as 10bit input and output in the B&H specs and on the Black Magic website as well.
12:00 the 10bit “rumor” part for the ATEM comes from the fact (as far as the official video release goes anyway) that the ATEM internally works in 10 bit, and is seemingly compatible with 10 bit HDMI outputs from the Studio cameras for example IIRC.
@@photojoseph I commented quickly and pressed Reply too soon (got interrupted ahah), but thank you for the video by the way :D
This kind of demonstrated FAQ format is perfect to clear everything !!
That is correct. The ATEM is a 10-bit workflow, while the RØDE is 8-bit. The recordings, as you saw of course are only 8-bit. But I tested this because the commenter insisted that the ATEM recording was 10-bit. Unless I misread the comment, which is entirely possible!
Yolobox has a cool feature to bring up YouTube comments as an overlay. How would one do that with RC-video?
No good way to do that as an overlay on the RØDE.
Please help, I do have a question, does both Type C to the computer work as a capture card or only a specific one. That is something I really hated on the Streamer X, that only usb 1 had the option to see the video fee.
I’m pretty sure only USB 1 sends video. But verify that with others. Mine is already disassembled.
Can you share a link for the color HDMI cables. They don't just look awesome, the difference in color would make my life so much easier. Thank you
@@photojoseph thank you! Had no idea Rode had this
Weird, I'm sure I replied to this… here you go:
I’m curious, does it take 4K input from camera? or does the camera have to be in 1080p mode for this device to work?
@@photojoseph Quite a shame really, i don’t mind not having 4K but we could have gotten a sharper looking 1080p if it was possible.
No, the inputs don’t scale. They’ll frame convert but it has to be 1080p.
Can you record all inputs and the program output ISO?
Yes — I covered that in the original video
What I really want to know is how would you take a call in guest in a podcast from this device?
Also I am thinking about getting riverside software . Do you think that would be a good combo for a video podcast that will be doing call ins, live guests and reaction videos? Not sure how Riverside and this piece of equipment will work together yet.
@@photojosephgreat! Thank you . Mine is being delivered tomorrow so I’ll be in my cave trying to figure all of it out . Thanks again
@@thechriswallin ah, then connect a computer for a zoom or FaceTime call. I am planning a video on how to do that.
No I mean a video call from phone or video by clicking a link
Well… I just showed you how to connect a phone and place a call. So, give out the number and answer the call?
I cant help but feel this should have been a Blackmagic X Rode product.
Put some of the video features of rode into the already superior versatility of an ATEM Mini Extreme
Take the sound features & expertise of the Rodecasters into it = perfect product
They’re both Australian companies, too!
Love your answers in real testing and see amazing results from new RODE product. Thank you so much.
You’re very welcome!
Is the HDMI out 10bit to be recorded in 10bit ProRes with an Atomos Ninja V+ for egg sample?
I see. But tell me; why does 10-bit matter there? By the time the signal has gone through the switcher, it’s been colored — you’re not streaming Log, so you’ve already applied a look. If you want 10-bit to grade, then you should be capturing the log video image before it’s gets a look and is sent to the switcher. So either record Log in-camera, or insert a recorder between the camera and the switcher. I’m not saying there’s zero benefit to a 10-bit colored image, but the advantage is minimal. Am I missing something?
@@photojoseph I did watch it all. But my concern is about that the HDMI outputs are only 8bit (on top of the internal recording you tested), and that is a let down because even if the Ninja V records at 10bit; with an 8bit signal feed from the Rodecaster Video, the Ninja V’s 10bit encoding capsule will still only get 8bit worth of color information. The Atems (at least the Extreme I have) outputs 10bit from its HDMI outputs. That is a real dealbreaker for me only because I already have an Extreme unit. 😔
@BenjaminTemplar did you watch this video? I tested the recording of the ATEM. It’s not 10-bit.
@@photojoseph But the Rodecaster Video's outputs only output in 8bit (according to B&H). Would then that mean less quality compared to the 10bit HDMI outputs within the Atem Mini Extremes if recorded with the Atomos? I think so, but I am not 100%sure.
Yes, absolutely. So you could pass the signal through another recorder to capture ProRes 10-bit 4K (or record in-camera).
Is it possible to add a circular mask to a PiP? Like you can in ATEM. I haven’t seen this option in the UI so far.
@@photojoseph try adding a png file with transparent hole in it over the pip source
Ooh good question! No, it’s only rectangular based. I hadn’t thought of that!
Very cool. Thanks!
You bet!
Can you control and make changes to the settings on the RodeCaster Video from one computer (e.g. plugged in via USB or connected over Ethernet), while having another computer, plugged in via USB, see the RodeCaster Video as a webcam?

Use case is you want to utilise the benefits of camera switching and audio mixing on a computer that isn’t running Rode Central but want to maintain fine grained control of available video / audio options.
That’s a game changer for me! Thanks @photojoseph
Can you use an iPhone as a USB webcam plugged into the RodeCaster Video?
You would need an app that outputs a clean video feed, like the Blackmagic camera app. I haven’t tested this but in theory it’d work.
I am getting errors all over the place when trying to add media files, its not sized right, frame rate is off, vertical video as an example does not save, no one is reporting this so far so would love to know if the device handles any media you throw at it
Video has to be 1920x1080 MP4, that’s in the manual. Framerate should always be at the same as your device is set to for best performance; I doesn’t test if uploading alternate frame rates worked or not.
Thanks so much for these tests! Can you do that same HDMI output test of an Atem Mini Extreme? Or something you'd consider comparable to the RCV. 8 frames it may be more than I'm used to.
It’s only three from the RCV; remember five were from the camera (lumix cameras unfortunately have quite a delay). I should test that at some point but haven’t.
Awesome video Joseph. Great info.
Glad you liked it!
Cool help full video ❤
Glad you think so!
Great questions and answers! Thank You
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