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Filling in missing GPS data #1
David Edge's picture
by David Edge
March 5, 2011 - 8:57pm

I'm trying to copy the GPS location from adjacent photos to the ones where the GPS didn't get a lock when the photo was taken. I show the places view of the project, select “Show unplaced images” and then switch back to show all images - but the cursor jumps back to the first.

I thought I'd be clever and open the project in two tabs, but option click doesn't let me open the same project twice in two windows.

Any ideas chaps?



PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
March 6, 2011 - 6:05am


If you are viewing all images in Places, and select the one(s) that have correct GPS location and are showing up as dots on the map, you should be able to just grab the unplaced ones and drag them to that same pont on the map. Does that not work for you?

-Joseph @ApertureExpert

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David Edge's picture
by David Edge
March 11, 2011 - 3:38am

Sort of. If I wanted to drag photos to ‘Shimla’ or ‘Darjeeling’ it would; but if we’re looking at a series of photos taken on a walk through the bazaar, or from a moving train going through the mountains then it seems odd to have some photos tagged to the nearest metre and others just to the nearest city.


PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
March 11, 2011 - 3:57am


Right… but that’s because you don’t have GPS data for those. I’m not clear what it is that Aperture won’t let you do.

If you have a GPS data for photo A at point A and another photo E at point E, but photos B, C and D taken somewhere in-between that don’t have GPS data on them… you could manually guess at each one and drop it on the map, or just drop the lot of them somewhere in-between.

Aperture does let you create a radius for your custom places, so if you wanted to make a location that’s “home” for example and have it encompass anything taken in a 2-block radius, you can do that. You can even have overlapping circles like “home” but more precisely, “back yard”. [screenshot]

For something as broad as the train path, you’ll just have to drop them on manually.

But again, I don’t understand what it is that Aperture isn’t allowing you to do.

-Joseph @ApertureExpert

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David Edge's picture
by David Edge
March 11, 2011 - 6:19am

Hi Joseph
Well rather than drag slowly through 3500 shots looking for the ones with the missing red dots (tedious!) I’d rather go to the project, select the places view of it and select “Show unplaced images”. OK, click on first unplaced image, say DSC_1234. Now I’d like to click on the “Show all images” button and see DSC_1233 and DSC_1235 - ie for the cursor to stay put. But no, it shows DSC_0001, 0002 etc. OK, I can then type 123 into the adjacent spotlight and bring up the adjacent ones.
So not the end of the world,


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