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iPhoto > Aperture & Faces #1
Jake McKee's picture
by Jake McKee
November 29, 2010 - 8:36am

I'm wondering if I can import only a select few photos into Aperture from iPhoto and have it carry through the faces (and places) data too? It would appear that faces/places work on import if you do an entire library, but since I'm trying to move over from iPhoto in small, controlled steps, I hoping I can do it one at a time.

Sorry if this has been asked before!


PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
November 30, 2010 - 2:24pm


I don’t believe so. My understanding is that a partial import is basically just copying over the JPEG, however if you do a full import, you get all the Faces and Places data along with it.

Sorry there isn’t a better option. I’d suggest biting the bullet and just bringing it all over at once. As long as you are trying to manage two libraries in two applications, it’ll be an exercise in frustration. Managing one big library in Aperture is, IMHO, a much saner way to go.

-Joseph @ApertureExpert

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Jake McKee's picture
by Jake McKee
November 30, 2010 - 2:45pm

Thanks, Joseph!

I was thinking last night that perhaps the best approach, assuming I was going to get the answer you shared, was to create two new libraries for the two iPhoto libraries I have, import them separate from my functional Aperture library. After cleaning up each of the new import libraries, I would merge them into the functional library.

What do you think?


Jake McKee's picture
by Jake McKee
November 30, 2010 - 2:53pm

Couple other questions:

* Does the master faces data stay specific to a particular Aperture library? i.e. if you train in library A does any of that training carry through to other libraries? (I assume not)

* Can I merge only a selection of photos from Aperture library A to B?


PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
November 30, 2010 - 3:37pm


Very good question about the Faces training. I looked in the Aperture library, and the Faces database is a single file. But if you export only a portion of a Library (i.e. a single project), Faces data does move along with it. So I have to assume that if you merge two Aperture libraries, both with Faces data, that the Faces data will all merge. I’m not a big user of Faces so I can’t say definitively, but I’d assume the answer is yes.

As far as merging only a portion of photos; absolutely. Just select any Project(s) that you like, and Export them as Libraries (menu File > Export > Items as New Library…)

-Joseph @ApertureExpert

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Jake McKee's picture
by Jake McKee
November 30, 2010 - 11:21pm

Very cool stuff. The more I learn about Aperture (and I’m just getting started with it) the more impressed I am.

Thanks for the help!

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