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Adjustment Effects Preset Pack #7 “Portra” by Robert Boyer

Adjustment Effects Preset Pack #7 "Portra" by Robert Boyer


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These are film emulation presets for the Kodak first generation of Portra films. Emulations include presets for 160NC, 160VC, 400NC, and 400VC as well as a set of add-ons for shadow and highlight toning, mid-tone contrast tweaking, skin tone fixes, as well as a specific fix for Fuji X-TRANS pink rendition in Aperture 3.

Each film set includes seven variations that simulate correct exposure, over exposure, massive over exposure, and a true one- and two-stop push. These presets are not over-the-top from an effect standpoint. They are designed to be subtle and close to the feel of the real film, shot and processed in a similar way. They are designed to respond well across a wide range of input image color temeratures/white balance and be fine-tuned with only White Balance, and the Exposure Adjustment block.

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Adjustment Effects Preset Pack #7 "Portra" by Robert Boyer


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