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Adjustments; Exposure and Enhance

Live Training Session 008

Adjustments; Exposure and Enhance

Live Training Session 008

Duration: 00:40 hr

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We finally get into Adjustments! This is a massive topic and we’ll spend a lot of time here. This first Adjustments session goes into the Exposure and Enhance bricks. We break down each slider, showing not only how they work and what they do, but also explain what part of the histogram each slider is affecting. The full chapter list includes:

  • Histogram Overview
  • Exposure
  • Recovery
  • Black Point
  • Brightness
  • Contrast
  • Definition
  • Saturation
  • Vibrancy
  • Tint
  • Q&A: Do you ever use the adjustments in the RAW fine tuning block? When?
  • Q&A: When do you use highlights and shadows? Are you already doing that with exposure and enhance?
  • Q&A: Is there a similarity in function between Definition and Edge Sharpen?
  • Q&A: When working with Portraits, do you use Definition and/or Edge Sharpen for creative sharpening (eg eyes, etc.)?
  • Q&A: Does the definition slider affect the whole picture or only the zoomed in portion?

Adjustments; Exposure and Enhance

Live Training Session 008

Duration: 00:40 hr

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