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Photos 2.0 First Look

Live Training Session 303

Photos 2.0 First Look

Live Training Session 303

Duration: 00:59 hr

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This is a first look at Photos 2.0 on Mac OS Sierra and iOS 10! We start with a little tour of Mac OS Sierra to start, then jump into Photos on both the Mac and an iPad Pro. This is a first look, meaning it's a bit haphazard and I definitely discover several things I'll have to dig into to do some proper training!

Due to the… chaotic nature of this video, I'm releasing it streaming for free for everyone to enjoy. If you want to download it you can still buy it, but if you watch it here below, this is open to all visitors to PhotoApps.Expert.

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Photos 2.0 First Look

Live Training Session 303

Duration: 00:59 hr

Become a member and get unlimited streaming and heavily discounted downloads of premium content, and 20% off discounts most items in the store!

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Just an observation from afar but seems ‘Photos’ is still a mess.

i’m getting around Lightroom CC pretty well now. It’s OK. I’m happy. 

Yeah… well… no one asked me what features it should have ;-)

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