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Aperture 3.4.2 Update

PhotoJoseph's picture
November 2, 2012 - 7:15am

Hit the software update (or if it’s not showing up yet, like it isn’t for me, you can download from directly) for an update to Aperture, weighing in at 3.4.2. Here’s the change list, and of course let us know how it works out for you in the comments!

  • Photos received via My Photo Stream or shared streams can now be added directly to other shared streams
  • Multiple email addresses can now be copied and pasted in the “Shared with” field for shared streams
  • When more than five subscribers “Like” a photo in a shared stream, all their names are now displayed correctly
  • The Info panel for a shared stream now includes an Unsubscribe button
  • The status line in the toolstrip now displays the number of new photos added to a shared stream
  • Faces are now properly detected on photos imported into a library from a shared stream
  • Adjusted photos added to shared streams are now published with EXIF metadata properly preserved
  • Addresses the reliability of Shared Photo Streams when switching between iPhoto and Aperture with the same library
  • Custom keyboard shortcuts are now properly preserved when upgrading from earlier versions of Aperture
  • Double-clicking a photo in Viewer-Only mode now correctly toggles to the Browser view
  • Addresses a problem that could prevent the Viewer from displaying images with correct color after Auto White Balance and Auto Enhance are applied
  • Addresses an issue that could cause JPEGs exported with a custom ICC profile to render incorrectly
  • A dialog now displays progress when deleting large numbers of photos using the Empty Aperture Trash command
  • Fixes a problem that could cause duplicate detection on import to fail when the “Auto-Split Projects” option is enabled
  • RAW files are no longer displayed in the Import window when the “JPEG files only” option is enabled
  • Key photos made from panoramic images are now displayed at high resolution
  • Addresses a problem that could cause the Info panel in the Inspector to display the wrong metadata view
  • Fixes an issue that could prevent Microsoft Outlook from being used to email photos from within Aperture
  • Improves stability when working with AVCHD video files
  • Fixes a problem with using the Zoom navigator on a second display
  • Addresses issues that could cause web journals to export incorrectly
  • Includes stability improvements
Apple Aperture

Looks all so promising! But I’m reluctant to upgrade my 3.2.3 to 3.4.x because I cannot find out if the Phanfare plugin is 32 bit or 64 bit. The latest plugin version is 0.24 but that’s from Nov 12, 2010 and David Holmes website makes no mention of it. Anyone knows? Really would like to start using Shared Photo Streams in Aperture (and will dislike the grayscale icons in the sidebar, but I digress)

“Custom keyboard shortcuts are now properly preserved when upgrading from earlier versions of Aperture”

Great. Lost all mine and cannot get the current version to accept them again! Thanks Apple.

The update from the App Store fails for me with ….

“The operation couldn’t be completed. (NSURLErrorDomain error -3001.)(102)”

iPhoto update worked ok. Safari 6.0.2 update fails too.

Same issue with update, unable to update!
An error has occurred
The operation couldn’t be completed. (NSURLErrorDomain error -3001.)(102)

Tried just running the Aperture Update, same error, what is happening with Apple? gives me MS nightmares.
I’ve searched the net, unable to find any current info on resolving this update problem.
If anyone finds a resolution please post.

Kane & Stuart — I was able to update but didn’t even try until this morning. Maybe just try again?

Marcus — I had the same issue on upgrade however my old shortcuts were still existing and importable. You didn’t find the same thing? If not, maybe pull them from a backup to see if those work?

Harry — for your phanfare plugin, open Aperture and open the plug-in, then launch Activity Monitor. Find Phanfare in there, and under the “kind” listing you’ll see if it’s 64-bit or not.

— Have you signed up for the mailing list?

No fix of the problem regarding relocating master files which does not relocate AVCHD/movie-files ??
A shame….people do miss/loose files by this failures.

Thanks Joseph
I was able to manually download and install Aperture update 3.4.2 from:
The remainder of the updates are still failing

Hey Joseph. I haven’t upgraded to 3.4.2 but I am having a strange issue with 3.4.1 that just seemed to crop up. When I “Select All” or select multiple images, I’m not longer able to make rating or label changes to them all. When I try to select more than 1 picture and I try to change the rating it only changes on one of the images. I feel like there I must be doing something stupid, but haven’t been able to figure it out yet. Any ideas?

Thanks Joseph for your Activity Monitor tip for my Phanfare 32 or 64 bit question. Yes, that should give me the info, but AM doesn’t display the plugin. At least, not under a recognizable name anyway. Yes, I did have it display All Processes.

Is the displaying of “Aperture/File/Export/Final Cut Pro (32 bit)” any indication that if you have a 64 bit plugin it won’t display the bit info but does only for 32 bit plugins?

Turns out that when using the 32 bit FCP plugin I get the message: To use the “Final Cut Pro” plug-in, Aperture must quit and re-open in 32-bit mode. Please contact the plug-in developer for a 64-bit version of this plug-in. [Cancel] [Reopen]

So I’ll just update to 3.4.2 without knowing for sure the plugin works, but everything seems to be so. But not before I copy those coloured icons from my current 3.2.3 version!

Downloads all ok now.
I’m liking the improvements on the shared photostreams. I started playing with it the other day and found that any image I’d taken out to Nik or CS5 and was around 80MB+ failed to get added to photostreams because they were too large. I figured it would surely be able to just resize as necessary… but obviously not.

Updated to 3.4.2 last night and just successfully added a 123MB (17.2MP) image to a photostream and then downloaded it. It had resized to 802KB (3.5MP).

Sunny, my hard drive is dying right now, so I can’t pull up exact details, but one of the buttons to the lower right of the photos has a little “1” on it. You’ve probably accidentally turned that on. I think it has a corresponding entry on the View menu, but I can’t remember the wording of it–something like “Primary Only” maybe?

Wow, thanks Dewayne. I figured it was something silly like that, but for the life of me just couldn’t notice that little button! Thanks!

Last time I updated, lost all my plugin registrations. Plugins okay after upgrading to 3.4.2 for you guys?

3.4.2 is working fine for me, so far, except for one (very) minor thing.

If I have “show Vaults” active, and I can see the vaults for my library at the bottom of the Library tab, if I tell Aperture to update the vaults, when it is done, the “thermometer” graphics for Show Vaults disappear. The space for them is still there, but no graphics. If I repeatedly click “Show Vaults” the space pops up and goes away, as it should, but no Vault graphics.

I have to quit Aperture for them to return.

Late 2006 MBP 2.33/3GB/Lion

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