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RAW Power: Editing Tools pt 1

Live Training Session 2103

In this session, we see every adjustment RAW Power has to offer, such as White Balance, Curves, Definition, Chromatic Aberration, Perspective and more!

Duration: 00:50 hr
Included with membership

FEELWORLD F5 5-inch Monitor

Smaller, 5-inch monitors are all the rage these days. For those on a budget (or even those not), is the Feelworld F5 worth considering? 


Cheap RGB LED by AndyCine

This little ANDYCINE RGB LED AL-360RGB light is small and cheap and plays well with colors… but is it actually any good? Let's find out!


RAW Power: RAW Processing

Live Training Session 2102

You know what RAW Power is really good at? RAW Decoding! (Bet you're surprised). This session covers all the RAW Processing capabilities.

Duration: 00:32 hr
Included with membership


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