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$20,000+ Raised for Charity!

PhotoJoseph's picture
January 8, 2014 - 3:00am

This is absolutely incredible. This little “5 Day Deal” I'm involved in has raised over $20,000 for charity just half way through the sale. That's absolutely fantastic. 10% of every $89 sale goes to charity, and you can choose which one from the list if you want to.

What's really impressive is we've been told that a HUGE number of users are actually doubling down on their contribution, which means they are buying this package, and checking the box that says “double my contribution”, adding another $8.90 to charity. And I know that a lot of this has come from you folks directly! I'll be sure to find out when it's all done just how much we ApertureExpert users raised, and let you all know.

The charities involved are The SeedLight Project, Flashes of Hope, OpLove, HeARTs Speak, Davis Phinney Foundation for Parkinson's, and charity: water.

What do you think? Can we push this to $30,000 or $40,000 or even $50,000??

Remember what you're doing… buying up to $1,700 worth of photographic training and presets and software and more for just $89, and helping to raise a ton of money for charity. That's hard to beat. But it ends on Friday at noon EST. Don't be late.

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