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Live Training Complete Collection Available; Time to Start Over

PhotoJoseph's picture
February 19, 2014 - 10:16pm

Can you believe that the Live Training project started in 2011? I mostly finished last year, but have added a few more videos along the way as new features came online. I'm now bundling all 25 videos as the “Complete Collection”, and plan to start over from the beginning.

Why? Several reasons.

  1. All videos before Session 021 were recorded in Aperture 3.0 to 3.2, which means with the interface change that came in Aperture 3.3, all previous videos look dated. Plus, new users may be looking at a UI they've never seen before, making it harder to follow these videos.
  2. Even though I'll cover the same topics, I'll be adding years more experience with the app to the presentations. Who knows what new info will come up!
  3. I figure it's like washing your car to get it to rain. Maybe if I start recording these now, we'll see Aperture 4 come out soon :-)

Be sure to watch the Live! page for the schedule. The new Session 001 will be announced soon!

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