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TWiP Apps 10: PhotoCard; Your Photos, Delivered

PhotoJoseph's picture
July 27, 2016 - 5:00pm

Today’s episode features a very special guest. It’s not every day that you get to sit down with one of the original developers of the Mac. The man who once wrote Quickdraw, MacPaint and Hypercard is now an avid photographer and app developer passionate about putting amazing quality prints in your hands, and the hands of your loved ones. PhotoCard is a simple app with a legendary back end — Bill Atkinson himself. Bill’s passion about image quality, color accuracy, and the value of a printed photo in your hands ensures that no matter if you’re sending a vacation snapshot back home or a thank you card to your best client, the massive 8 and a quarter inch postcard that lands in their mailbox will bring the lasting joy and happiness that only a print can.

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