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Have You Been Watching PhotoJoseph’s Photo Moments?

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July 6, 2016 - 9:00pm

If you haven't seen these yet, now's a great time to start. A month or so ago I started broadcasting (mostly) live “Photo Moments” on Facebook every week-day at 9:30am Pacific, and cross-posting them here. The most recent one with National Geographic photographer John Stanmeyer is definitely worth a watch, but also before that I recorded several interviews with fellow workshop attendees in Tbilisi, Georgia. I couldn't get them all and will hopefully follow up with them in August, but for now, there are several ready to see. And of course prior to that, there's lots of fun little videos that I've done from my studio or on location. 

Topics can be quite literally anything photo related. Some are tips and techniques, some are observations, some are sharing a project I'm working on… the sky's the limit!

I am however on vacation right now so taking a break from the regularly scheduled program. Which makes this a great time to catch up if you haven't been watching!

Easiest way to find them all is here on this site, under the new Photo Moments header under the Tips menu.

And here's one to get you started…



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