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- Update to 1.5 led to 1.2 - 2013/02/19
- Aperture 3.4.1 and Mac OS X 10.7.4 - 2012/10/03
- RAW files from Nikon P7100 (NRW) are no longer recognized - 2012/06/10
- Equipment prices get lost when changing library - 2012/03/01
- Working with RAW+JPG Pairs while Renaming Originals - 2012/01/02
Recent Comments
- @_SesHat_: As the headline of the above article... - 08/26/2012
- Thanks Joseph, for your reply. To be honest, I... - 03/23/2012
- The presets indicate how different one single... - 03/18/2012
- Thanks, Joseph for the pointer.Yes, being a bit... - 02/25/2012
- Joseph, it was exactly the issue you pointed at... - 02/24/2012
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