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Updating Aperture 2 library to Aperture 3 - take care #1
Jonathan Slack's picture
by Jonathan Slack
February 11, 2010 - 3:54am

Hi There
Having got the update, I loaded aperture - chose NOT to reprocess the masters and set it to convert my library.
4 hours later, it had done 6% and a message came up saying:
Your Mac OSX startup disk has no more space available for application memory.
(it had said 6% for 3 hours, but had not hung (you could see the numbers going down).
there was 194Gb free disk space on the startup drive.

I actually tried this twice, and the same thing happened both times.

During the 4 hours the computer was unusable - not even mail would work.

I am now trying by creating a new library, and importing my old library - this is looking more promising as it’s imported 15,000 photos in an hour (and I can still type this message).

My Aperture library has abou 30,000 images in it - all images are held on an external drive, the library on my 500Gb internal drive.

I’m running a 17”MBP with 500gb HD and 4Gb ram 2.66 processor (unibody)

all the best
Jonathan Slack

All the best
Jonathan Slack (

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
February 11, 2010 - 4:14am

Very interesting. Please do keep us posted… as with any major release it won’t be without it’s hiccups, but hopefully all will workout well in the end!

— Have you signed up for the mailing list?

Jonathan Slack's picture
by Jonathan Slack
February 11, 2010 - 6:19pm

Gloom and Doom
I tried to import the library - this looked good - it took around 6 hours to import 47,000 images (didn’t realise I had so many). When it had finised, I clicked on one project . . spinning beachball of death, for an hour. The only option was to force quite. I restarted the machine and opened Aperture - the projects and folders are all imported, but the Activity window shows
Updating Library
Processing 82,644 items - it is going at the rate of about 10 items per minute. That sounds like 6 days to me, and the computer is basically unusable for all except email and web browsing, it’s using all resources.
I’m at my wits end - this has now been going on for 24 hours - I have other things to do.

all the best
Jonathan Slack

All the best
Jonathan Slack (

Rob DeLoach's picture
by Rob DeLoach
February 12, 2010 - 12:18am

I’ve installed Aperture 3 on my Mac Book Pro and my iMac. Not a very good experience so far.

I installed it on the MBP first. It converted the library OK, but I ran in to some bugs after that. The first bug I saw was with the Flickr publishing. It would not accept a click on the Publish or Cancel buttons. The button would change color as though I pressed it, but nothing happened. I could click and interact with the other fields in the box. Finally I clicked on the change account button and canceled that. Then the cancel button worked. I was then able to publish the photo.

The other but I saw was when zooming to 100%. The right half showed the photo I was working on, but the left half showed random rectangles of a different photo. Zooming out and back in again resolved that problem. On Aperture 2 I saw similar behavior, except that the left half was totally black.

Faces was processing during that time and it was taking a very long time. No problem. I just left it alone and let it continue process. It was about 10% done when I left it. When I checked on it in the morning Aperture had crashed.

After I left the MBP last night, I installed it on the iMac. It was about 5% done converting the library when I went to bed. When I check on it this morning, the computer was totally non responsive. The screen would not come back on and it no longer showed up on the network. I did not have time to investigate. I do not know if it is just locked up or if it had shut down.

So typical of Apple to release a new product with so many problems. I used to not be this way. So disappointing. I played with Lightroom 3 beta for a while. Was considering a switch, but I just like Aperture more. But Lightroom 3 beta never crashed. It didn’t crash once on 4 different computers in several months that I can remember. Did I mention it was beta? Why is Adobe’s beta more stable than Apples final release?

Talk about a buzz kill. I was so looking forward to this release. I’m glad I don’t have to make my living with it. Hopefully an update will be out soon.

With Snow Leopard I waited for a few updates before I took the plunge, but the excitement got the best of me this time. I’ve been burned for being an early adopter so many times by Apple and I keep doing it. Shame on me.

Jonathan Slack's picture
by Jonathan Slack
February 12, 2010 - 3:03am

Okay - a more positive update.
First thing is that the Activity Window is your friend.
If you have a big library
Don’t just load Aperture 3 and upgrade your library - it’ll bog down your computer completely, and will almost certainly not finish (I’ve tried on 3 different libraries, and in each case I’ve had the :
Your Mac OSX startup disk has no more space available for application memory

Rename your old Aperture 2 library, and then create a new library in Aperture 3. Set preferences so that:
1. Face recognition is turned off
2. Automatically generate previews are turned off.

Then Import from your old library - you can see the progress as it adds the projects, but don’t expect to do much else with your computer until it’s finished - my 47,000 photo library on a 17 MBP 2.66 with 4GB took about 8 hours.

3. when this has finished don’t be tempted to look (it will probably freeze)- close Aperture and reboot your computer
4. Load Aperture, choose Window / Activity and see what it’s doing - after a few minutes it’s likely to say:
Updating Library, with a very large number of items to process - mine has done around 40,000 out of about 85,000 today.
5. if you want to do anything - pause this process and restart it when you’ve finished.
6. Restart the computer every hour or so (it seems to go much faster after a restart).

I’ve imported a couple of hundred photos having paused the process and done some processing - I’m seriously impressed with the brushes and general useability - it seems quite snappy as well.

Back to my first point though - keep the Activity monitor open - when you can see what it’s doing you can see when / why it’s going slowly.

I’m feeling much more optimistic about this - and the fact that it’s taking so long to process my files isn’t so surprising - it represents several years of my work, and if it takes a day or so to catch up, then sobeit!

I hope this is helpful to someone - all the best
Jonathan Slack

All the best
Jonathan Slack (

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