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How do I export jpeg versions of my RAW masters? (As in, for copyrighting?) #1
Inspirator's picture
by Inspirator
March 9, 2011 - 11:16am

In order to copyright my pics, I want to send a jpeg version of each original, unedited RAW master. This way, any crops or related changes that are applied later can be seen as being derived from the original.

I thought about selecting masters only, and then exporting jpeg versions (via preset) of the masters, but I haven't found a way to select only the masters (as in versions-with-no-adjustments).

I don't want to export copies of the RAW masters, and I don't want to export versions of the stack picks.

Perhaps there is a way to first generate new-versions-from-masters, put these into an album, and export versions via jpeg presets.


Inspirator's picture
by Inspirator
March 9, 2011 - 2:28pm


If someone were to use a copyrighted photo of mine (cropped by me showing just the left half of the pic) and the pic that I had submitted to the copyright office had been cropped by me showing the right-half, I’d have much more difficulty proving that the picture was mine.

Whereas, if I submit an unadjusted version of the master, any cropped-versions that I create now or in the future – all trace back to the original by an easy sight comparison.

Yes, from this point on, it would make it easier in my workflow if I exported the original versions upon import, but this is for the 20,000 pics already in my lib.

In short, what I see when I use the ‘m’ key is what I want to export and send for copyright, using an existing preset.


PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
March 9, 2011 - 11:16pm


What you’re looking for is the command New Version from Master under the Photos menu.

Here’s a workflow for what you’re trying to do:

1. Ensure that Automatically stack new versions is enabled in the Aperture > Preferences… > General.
2. Select all the photos you want to make master JPEGs of, and put them in a new Album. If you’re doing 20,000 images, you should be able to do this all at once, but you may want to leave the system to churn overnight, or at least for a few hours.
3. Ensure that Edit > Primary Only is disabled, so the following command is executed on all images, not just one.
4. Select all the images, and select menu Photos > New Version from Master

This will create a new version from the Master (obviously), and because the photos are in an Album, the new version will be come the Album Pick (the Stack Pick for that Album).

The only thing to be aware of is that the metadata (including keywords, copyright, etc.) will NOT be duplicated. The “from Master” command is quite literal, and unless that data has been embedded in the Master file, they will not carry over.

You could embed that data in the Master file first, by choosing the menu Metadata > Write IPTC Metadata to Master…, which would resolve the previous problem. However some people are very uncomfortable altering the Master file, and rightly so. If there’s any data corruption in this process, you stand to lose your file. I’ve never seen it happen, and I don’t know that anyone actually has, but that’s the prevailing wisdom. If you decide to go that route, you should ensure your Masters are backed up first (which should go without saying, but still).

5. Once the new versions are created, you can close all the stacks at once using Stacks > Close All Stacks, and the Album Pick, which is the new version from Master, will be on top.
6. Select all and export whatever you need for the copyright office.

-Joseph @ApertureExpert

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Inspirator's picture
by Inspirator
March 10, 2011 - 4:29am

Many thanks for your prompt reply.

I’ve gotten my own URL and a SmugMugPro account, added the SmugInProForAperture plug-in, and set command-s to run it.

The only thing remaining left (initially for 2200 pics) is to register them with the copyright office. Then, with a new, custom metadata field, i’ll record the copyright date (batch apply).

As the date_copyrighted is optimally associated with the actual version copyrighted, I’ll likely retain the versions, but without any previews.

And, though I crossed-posted this onto the Apple Aperture discussion, the responses either addressed obvious simplicities that I was way beyond, misunderstood my intent, or finally gave an answer that was close but incomplete.

With your permission, I’d like to copy your response (verbatim) with credit, to educate (and give you a little free advertising).

Good Work!

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
March 10, 2011 - 5:49am


Glad I gave you the solution you needed. Yes, go ahead and cross post, and please as you said ensure credit and a link back to this site is given, along with the words “cross posted with permission”. I appreciate it!

SmugInProForAperture is awesome, isn’t it? And the creator, Richard Laing, is a really good guy.

-Joseph @ApertureExpert

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