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Deleting photos #1
Vivien Izzett's picture
by Vivien Izzett
April 3, 2011 - 2:47am

Hi Joseph

I just wanted to check if I am deleting correctly. Rather than deleting individual photos as I go I have been rejecting them by pressing 9 when I am giving their initial rating. Then when I have finished organising the project I go into the rejected folder, select all the photos there and drag them into the trash. I then empty the aperture trash and then later on I will empty the trash on my desk top too. I am hoping this way I will be deleting the master file as there is no sense having it take up space on my hard drive. I have since read that when you delete an image from an album that you are only deleting it from the album and not from the library. Is this true of the rejected album also or does this album work differently?

Thanks Viv

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
April 3, 2011 - 10:36am


You’re doing it correctly. The only way you could still have photos taking up space on the hard drive after that is if you were working referenced, and specifically told it when you emptied the Aperture trash to not delete referenced files.

You should read up on this post; it explains pretty much everything there is to know about deleting files: “Emptying the Trash in Aperture 3—What Really Happens?”

-Joseph @ApertureExpert

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Vivien Izzett's picture
by Vivien Izzett
April 5, 2011 - 12:08am

Great. Thanks again Joseph!

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