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Aperture not finding photos to import #1
Misty Prochaska's picture
by Misty Prochaska
June 15, 2011 - 10:19pm

Last night I moved put some photos from my iMac (jpegs already imported and processed through Aperture) into my public folder so I could access them on my Macbook Air and import them into Aperture there (I have no established library and barely any photos on my Macbook Air, just wanted to move some random photos there to play with as I practice editing). When I opened up Aperture on my Macbook Air and tried to import, the photos would not show up in the folder structure panel on the bottom. I do not have the “do not import duplicates” box checked. I ended up dragging them into Aperture, where they imported “with errors”. When I did my initial huge import everything into Aperture process, I ran into this same problem- sometimes pictures would show up to import and sometimes not.

Sorry if I am providing too much/ not enough information. I would appreciate any ideas anyone might have.

Jaimie Harris's picture
by Jaimie Harris
June 17, 2011 - 6:04pm

Not sure why your import doesn’t work but if you are just looking to get some images to play around with, why don’t you

In Aperture on your iMac select an album or smart album
Export as a new library
Copy the library to your Air
Open the library in Aperture on your Air
Delete library on iMac to save disk space

Hope this helps


ksignorini's picture
by ksignorini
June 17, 2011 - 10:00pm

Make sure that if you have the “RAW+JPEG Pairs” brick enabled in your Import Settings, that it’s set to “Both…” or at least the type of file you’re trying to import.

If it’s set to “JPEG files only” for example, and the files you want to import are your camera’s RAW type, THEY WON’T EVEN SHOW UP IN THE LIST!

This is insane behavior for software, but it appears that this is the way Aperture works. I wasted a TON of time trying to figure out why my files weren’t showing up in the Import window and it was because of this.

Could that be it in your situation as well?

Debbie's picture
by Debbie
June 18, 2011 - 1:58am

This happens to me too quite frequently, and only when importing jpegs from Finder folders. I always check that I have everything checked or unchecked as it should be, and still nothing. Even the box “Do Not Import Duplicates” and the boxes at the bottom that you check for the different file types like photos, video, audio, etc, are grayed out. I always have to shut down A3 and open it again, sometimes more than once. It seems like a bug to me because eventually I get it to work again. I def had way less problems in iPhoto ‘11 than I do in A3, but I still like it better when it’s working properly.

Just try closing and opening Aperture again to see it that works. You may have to do it more than once.


PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
June 21, 2011 - 4:04am


The problem with permissions errors is probably because the images were in your Public folder. The permissions there are different than anything else in your Home folder, and Aperture probably wasn’t quite sure what to do with them. Drag them out of the Public folder, and you’ll probably be asked for a password as permissions are changed, and then try to import again.

-Joseph @ApertureExpert

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PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
June 21, 2011 - 4:04am


That RAW vs JPG behavior may seem odd until you’re importing images from an 8GB or 16GB card, and have literally thousands of photos in front of you that you’re trying to select only some of. Suddenly when you select JPEG or RAW only, you will be very happy to only see the ones you’re importing!

-Joseph @ApertureExpert

— Have you signed up for the mailing list?

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
June 21, 2011 - 4:05am


For the problem you’re seeing, do you mean that the import window shows empty even though you know photos are there? This is definitely a bug and one we’ll all be glad to see squashed one day!

-Joseph @ApertureExpert

— Have you signed up for the mailing list?

Debbie's picture
by Debbie
June 21, 2011 - 4:30am

Yes, Joseph, that’s exactly what’s happening to me. It’s very sporadic and it does appear to be a bug. As a Southern Calif gal, I have no patience for bugs. ;)


Frank Kurzawa's picture
by Frank Kurzawa
June 24, 2011 - 1:59pm

I just saw this problem for the first time. Multiple Aperture restarts didn’t fix it.
I just did two other things and suddenly my images began to appear in the import window. I don’t know which one made the difference.
1. Projects and Albums was selected in the left pane. I selected Projects under Aperture3 Library
2. I used the little tab thingies to adjust the width of the panes in the directory navigator at the bottom of the screen when import is selected.
Like I say, I don’t know which of these things triggered the change, but one of them fixed the problem.


Frank Kurzawa

Eric Crofut's picture
by Eric Crofut
June 26, 2011 - 8:25am

I have had the problem when importing did not show any files. The way they came back is when plugged in my iPhone, Aperture read the files and also now can read other folders on the hard drive.

I also notice photos disappear sometimes when moving projects into folders. The project does not show the photos but I click on the folder I moved them into shows the photos? The only way the see them in the project again is restart Aperture and the photos are back in the project.


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