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upload to Flickr with watermark #1
Robert Sfeir's picture
by Robert Sfeir
March 23, 2011 - 11:42pm


I thought I posted this question a couple of weeks ago, but doing a search through the user forum I don't see it, so perhaps I had a memory lapse and didn't press post, but if I did and am doubling up on a post, I apologize in advance.

here's the simple thing I'd like to do:

I've taken to finally using Flickr. I would like to upload my images to flickr directly from aperture, and I know how to do that part, however I also want to apply my watermark before it gets uploaded by aperture. I've looked at all the export options and I can't seem to find any one that affects the image that is uploaded to flickr.

Is there a tutorial somewhere that I missed that might allow me to automate this process? Right now I export the file first to my desktop, then I use the Flickr upload app to post the pics with keywords etc… I'd rather click on the file upload to flickr, have it apply the watermark, and be done with it.

Is that possible from within Aperture 3?

Thanks much.


PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
March 23, 2011 - 11:46pm


There have been a few discussions on this topic; just search “flickr watermark” using the search window (top left of this site). Unfortunately there’s no way to automate this; you’ll have to export and then upload, or use a third-party plug-in that lets you access your export presets (which of course can include a watermark).

-Joseph @ApertureExpert

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Robert Sfeir's picture
by Robert Sfeir
March 24, 2011 - 12:18am

Yup thanks easy enough, wanted to make sure I didn’t miss something. I just purchased FlickrExport for Aperture and it works wonderfully well. Much much easier to deal with than multi step export etc… Now I can totally stay in aperture for my full workflow.

Most awesome me thinks :)


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