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Using Multiple Cameras in Aperture 3 #1
Spartacus Capua's picture
by Spartacus Capua
September 6, 2011 - 12:02pm

I shoot with a Canon 7D. Recently, I borrowed my friends 5D Mark II to use as a 2nd camera in a gig I was shooting. I shot with both camera as I wanted to compare the 7D and 5D's low light performance.

I thought I would be able to easily differentiate them once the images were imported into Aperture 3, but to my dismay, all of the photos, regardless of what camera they were taken are noted in Aperture 3 as being shot with the 7D.

Did I miss/forget some sort of setting in Aperture 3 to get it to differentiate between the 2 cameras?


David Edge's picture
by David Edge
September 18, 2011 - 3:47am

Are you referring the metadata shown against the images or the name of the card when importing? (which will be the name of the camera the card was formatted in).


mrkgoo's picture
by mrkgoo
September 20, 2011 - 1:01pm

David: Are you saying that the metadata only includes the camera model of the camera that was used to format the card? I would’ve assumed it would be whatever camera took the picture.

For example, if I format a camera in my 7D and then put the card in a 40D and took pictures, I would think the metadata would say 40D.

David Edge's picture
by David Edge
September 20, 2011 - 5:59pm

Hi Mr Kgoo
I’m sure that Aperture gets the camera model from the image metadata. So if it’s wrong it could be because the camera is (say) a pre-production sample with an error in the firmware reporting it to be the wrong camera or because the user had managed to overwrite the data with some advanced script on import. Both seemed hugely unlikely!
So I pondered why somebody /might/ think that the camera had read the camera model wrong and that was all I could come up with.
So we wait with bated breath for Spartacus to let us know :)


Spartacus Capua's picture
by Spartacus Capua
September 21, 2011 - 10:27am

It’s very, very strange. I shot this photo with a 5DMII:

It shows up as the Canon 7D in A3 and in the metadata in the 500px link. I borrowed the 5DMII from a friend and he doesn’t have a 7D but I have no idea if he ever updated the firmware.

Still scratching head but thanks so much for taking time to respond.

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
September 22, 2011 - 2:35am


Definitely very odd. I wonder if he’s hacked his 5D?

-Joseph @ApertureExpert

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