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3.4 + Custom Keyboard shortcuts=GONE #1
Florian Cortese's picture
by Florian Cortese
September 26, 2012 - 10:55pm

I'm not sure if this was already posted (I did a quick search and couldn't find any) but I just realized all of my Custom Keyboard shortcut commands disappeared whenI upgraded to 3.4. When I clicked on the top bar Aperture>Commands>Customize, my only options were Default and iPhoto. I had to recreate my own customized keyboard shortcuts all over again. Fortunately for me I really only have two so it was no big deal. But if someone had a whole lot, it could be a problem

Florian Cortese

gfsymon's picture
by gfsymon
September 27, 2012 - 4:59pm

Is there any way to view the differences between a custom keyboard set and the standard set ?

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
September 27, 2012 - 5:26pm

Thomas — Sounds about as easy as it gets (copying it to the Desktop).

Symon — No, not that I’m aware of. That’d be a neat feature though.


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Florian Cortese's picture
by Florian Cortese
September 27, 2012 - 12:12pm

Joseph, Thanks! That’s where they were and I was able to import them.


Florian Cortese

Thomas Emmerich's picture
by Thomas Emmerich
September 27, 2012 - 12:23pm

Unless I’m missing the obvious, it’s not easy to get Aperture to import command sets inside a user’s library folder. With Lion and Mountain Lion that folder doesn’t show up in the Command Editor Import dialog box and searching doesn’t help.

I was able to do the import by going to the Finder, holding option while choosing the GO menu to open the user Library folder in a Finder window. Then I drag and dropped the Command Set into the Aperture Command Editor Import dialog which causes it to navigate to that file and allow me to import it.

I suppose you could move the file out of the user Library using the Finder and then import from Aperture.

Is there an easier way?


PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
September 27, 2012 - 12:51am


In one of the posts here (or maybe a comment) a user pointed out that Aperture 3.4 is “sandboxed”, and that this was why settings were “lost”. They weren’t actually lost, but didn’t always move to their new locations.

I would look for your old presets, which would be in ~/Library/Application Support/Aperture/Command Sets and see if it’s still there, then try to import that.

— Have you signed up for the mailing list?

Florian Cortese's picture
by Florian Cortese
September 27, 2012 - 10:21pm

Thomas & Joseph, That’s exactly how I got my custom commands. I placed it on my desktop, went to Preferences on the top bar of Aperture, Commands>Import>found the file and click, it was back I had named my custom keyboard commands so it was easy to differentiate from the default. (@symon)That, plus in Library the date I created it was there so I knew it was the older version.


Florian Cortese

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