I just moved over from Lightroom to Aperture. and i am confused if it would be a better idea to import my files into aperture as Referenced files or Managed Files.
I am thinking that Managed is the way to go, but once i do that are the images deleted from the folders that they are currently in and moved into the aperture one? Does a duplicate file get created, meaning twice the HD space is used? Would it be okay to delete the files from the original folder once i import them as Managed?
Sorry if that is too many questions for one post.
I personally go for managed that way all my files are looked after by aperture. I do not need to worry about where my files are on the hard disk as they are all sucked up in to the aperture library.
You are good to delete your files if you are using a managed library, as the import procedure sucks in your photos to the library.
Thanks Chris,
I get scared deleting files sometimes and don’t have a huge amount of hard drive space. So i will import into Aperture tonight and delete the others from the folders they are currently in.
Welcome to Aperture!
Once you’ve imported into a Managed library, you may want to set aside all those other masters on another drive for safe-keeping just until you a) have backed up the new Aperture library, and b) have spent some time in Aperture and are comfortable knowing where all your files are. Coming from Lightroom, the structure will be a bit different, and if you come across as situation where you need to find a photo quickly but can’t quite figure out where it was filed in Aperture, it might be a nice bit of peace-of-mind knowing that you can just dig through your organized finder structure on another drive to locate a file in a jiffy.
You should never need those backups, and you should be comfortable deleting them after some time in Aperture. But when it comes to something as important as your photos, and as drastic as changing systems from Lightroom to Aperture, you may want to keep “the old way” handy in case of emergency.
-Joseph @ApertureExpert
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