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Photostream - how to use it right? #1
Jan Vojtek's picture
by Jan Vojtek
October 31, 2011 - 3:43am

Greetings to all on this fantastic site! As most I am pretty stoked about the simplicity of iPhone-iMac-Aperture 3 sync via the Photostream. But just to avoid massive disappointment I'd like to be 100% sure I know how it works. I am not concerned to have photos uploaded from Aperture 3 to the Photostream so no need to discuss that part of syncing.

1) I take a photo on my iPhone and as soon as it connects to wifi, it uploads all new photos (no videos) to the Photostream in the iCloud in full resolution as they were taken, right?
2) Since I have Photostream enabled in my Aperture which is running on my iMac constantly connected to internet, the photos get immediately also synced to my iMac
3)Now they reside in the Photostream album in my Aperture

My questions are:
a) why can't I just clean the ones I want to keep in the Photostream album?
b)if I am not mistaken I have to drag the photos I want to keep from the Photostream album to another album in Aperture, correct?
c) what happens if I do not do anything with the Photostream album for 30+1days or 1000+1 photos? Does the 1001 photo (or photos older than 30 days) get deleted from iCloud's Photostream but it stays in the Photostream album in Aperture on my iMac?
d) the photos in the Photostream album in the Aperture are stored in the Aperture Library itself by default, correct? I run my whole Library of 50000+ photos as referenced, is there a way to make there referenced as well (other then exporting them and reimporting them)?
e) I like keeping my photos organized, so while I really appreciate the sync feature of Photostream in iCloud (it's kind of a cool way to have a backup for 30 days in case the iPhone is lost or destroyed after it “visited” a wifi and uploaded it's content) I do not like the fact that every single photo (including the blurry ones, badly composed ones) is sitting there in the iCloud and in my Aperture. Wouldn't it be more logical to be able to clean the Photostream, not to waste the 5GB of available space with bad photos?

Thank you for your advice. Kindly post replied which you have tested. Assumptions would be pretty costly since I(we, you) can end up loosing photos. Thanks again a lot.

Stuart's picture
by Stuart
October 31, 2011 - 4:56am

Hi Jan,

I am sort of in a learning curve myself with the Photo Stream as I feel many are. There is not much data out there from what I can find on how this works. Now Apple does have some information posted here: which may answer some of your questions.

From what I understand this Photo Stream is up and above your allocated space (5GB). I could be wrong on this but that is the way I understand it.

Now I have been fooling with the iPhone 4S taking some images. I have it setup that all photos taken with the iPhone end up in Aperture 3 and on the iPad. The first time I did it Aperture setup a Project on its own with the current month (Oct 2011 Photo Stream). Photos also ended up in a Library called “Photo Stream”. Waiting to see what happens in the next couple of days when the month changes to November. I assume it will start a new Project and name it “Nov 2011 Photo Stream”.

Now one thing I did find out is if you import to your library from a camera or SD card (CompactFlash) are automatically uploaded to your Photo Stream. Meaning if you do a lot of shooting like I do, you could hit the 1000 fairly fast. Now you are able to turn this Photo Stream off within Aperture.

One item of this Photo Stream I do not like is you are unable to delete images you do not want in the Stream. I like many have taken a shot by mistake with the iPhone and they end up in the Stream. The only way I found to delete was to reset your Photo Stream via the iCloud. That removes all imagers from the Photo Stream. So be careful if you use that option. Maybe in the further you will be able to delete single images.

But anyway maybe others will post on there working with Apple’s iCloud Photo Stream.



Jan Vojtek's picture
by Jan Vojtek
October 31, 2011 - 9:52pm

Thank you Stu. You pretty much summed up all. I checked the link you posted and it seems like the 1000 photos/30 days limit “should” mean that all photos downloaded into the Photostream album of Aperture on my iMac should stay there unless I reset the photostream. If this is true, it in a way works as a safeguard against stolen/destroyed iPhone but also means it will keep trash on my Aperture library and make me keep organizing as always and then resetting the Photostream. I am curious to see others’ views, opinions and how Apple finally tweaks the functionality. All I would need is an option to chuck the bad photos from the Photostream.

That way, it would be ideal for me. All photos I take on iPhone are synced to iMac, I come home, purge the bad ones, and then just organize the Photostream Album on iMac when I feel like it, dragging the photos to a special album or simply leaving them in the Photostream.

As it is now, I need to drag the good ones from Photostream to other dedicated album and then reset Photostream and lose the bad ones.

Steve Jackson's picture
by Steve Jackson
November 1, 2011 - 7:49pm

The Photo Stream container (with the yellow flower) in the top left of the Aperture library inspector I believe shows ALL of the photos in your cloud/ stream. You cannot delete them one by one, although you can likely delete them all*.

Aperture also creates Projects (named ‘Mmm YYYY Photo Stream’), and imports photos from the cloud/ stream into them, based on an images exif create date (I assume). Open the activity window in Aperture before it starts a Photo Stream update … it seems to do heaps of stuff.

I believe that the photos in the Aperture Projects are (‘managed’) copies of what’s in your cloud/ stream, and as such you can manage these as you please (including making them ‘referenced’, using File/ Relocate Master).

It would also make sense then - an assumption - that if and when one hits their 30 day/ 1,000 image limit, the cloud/ stream will be updated (assume a first in/ first out deletion by Apple’s servers?), BUT THAT THE IMAGES IN THE APERTURE PROJECTS WILL NOT BE TOUCHED … they’re ours, not Apples.

So, as I write this, there are 51 photos in my Photo Stream container in Aperture (I’ve got UPload from Aperture turned off but DOWNload turned on … so the Photo Stream only contains photos from my iPhone, not my other cameras). There are 44 images in my ‘Oct 2011 Photo Stream’, and 1 in my ‘Nov 2011 Photo Stream’. Thus I’m short 6 photos compared to my Photo Stream container because I’ve deleted these from the projects.

* On “you can likely delete them all”, another assumption is that if you reset your Photo Steam, your Photo Stream collection of images will no longer exist - the cloud/ stream will be empty. Assuming the images are still on your iPhone (less any that you wanted to delete!!!!), on recreation of your Photo Stream all will be uploaded again. Then you would have a Photo Stream that contains only the photos you want there … will a lot of faffing and internet usage to get it that way. It will be much better when Apple gives us the ability to delete individual photos.

My two cents worth anyway …


Jan Vojtek's picture
by Jan Vojtek
November 1, 2011 - 9:09pm

Steve, thank you. That’s exactly what I wanted to know. Only now did I notice the “monthly” photo stream album in my Aperture. Thank you.

Stuart's picture
by Stuart
November 1, 2011 - 10:13pm

Jan & Steve

Just a follow-up as I was wondering what would happen when the month changes when taking photos with the iPhone 4S. This morning I took some photos with the iPhone 4S. Checking Aperture 3 I found that a new Project was created (Nov 2011 Photo Stream). Really cool as I did not have to do anything. So now I know each month Photo Stream creates a new Project.

Now like Steve I also have Upload turned off. I do not feel I need to have all images that I take on an assignment show up in the iCloud when uplaoding from the card reader. Of course if I ever need to use this feature for an assignment I could always turn it on. Also hoping a feature will be added where you will be able to delete individual photos from the iCloud.

Over all it is pretty cool how this iCloud with Photo Stream works with the iPhone 4S, iPad 2 and MacBook Pro (Aperture 3).



PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
November 2, 2011 - 4:29am

Hi folks,

Great conversation, nearly everything covered, so let me just throw a few other tidbits in here.

1. As long as Aperture is launched at least once per month or once per 1,000 photos made, you should never lose any images from iCloud. However even if you don’t launch in time, those photos are still on the iPhone. The iCloud is just a simple way to back up and sync, but the originals are still on the iPhone itself.

2. You can’t delete a single image from the Photo Stream, but if you are out shooting and not on wifi, and you shoot a rubbish photo, and delete it before you get back to WiFi, it won’t be there to push to the stream. You just need to edit your photos as you go.

3. I, like most people, have disabled the third preference option “Automatic Upload” [screenshot] because when I shoot on my dSLR, I shoot a lot. However that doesn’t mean you can’t add a single or a handful of photos to your Photo Stream. You can just drag photos into the Photo Stream “album”, or select the photo(s) and click the Photo Stream button on the menu bar [screenshot].

4. As has already been pointed out, while yes it’s true that the Photo Stream photos that are automatically imported into Aperture are Managed, you can move them to Referenced using the Relocate Masters command. I’ve built a Smart Album in my Aperture to show all Managed photos that are not from the “Shared” albums, which include Flickr, Facebook and (the soon to be obsolete) MobileMe. Here’s what my Smart Album looks like; it took a bit of trial and error to figure this out (notice I’m not using MobileMe, so that’s not in here): [screenshot]. Once that’s created, all you have to do is periodically select that Smart Album, select all the photos, and choose menu File > Relocate Masters….

5. Hey you’re right, videos aren’t synced by Photo Stream. I hadn’t realized that. Lame! It’s over wifi, so why not… hmm… if anyone knows the logic, I’d love to hear it.

6. As far as keeping photos organized, yes Aperture automatically moves photos into the “mm yyyy Photo Stream” folder, but remember once they’re there, you can move them anywhere you like. So if you just got back from your family holiday and want to combine your iPhone photos with the rest of ‘em, you can just drag them from there. If you have your date and time set correctly on your other camera(s), they should even sort in order. It’s pretty cool to see a collection of photos in precise chronological order taken from multiple cameras.

If anyone has any more tips, I encourage you to discuss them here. This could have been a “tips” post, but I’ll just push traffic here. Great conversation.

-Joseph @ApertureExpert

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Morten Scheel's picture
by Morten Scheel
November 2, 2011 - 4:58am

Hey guys.
I am currently working with Joseph to provide extra features to the Photo Stream via AppleScript. As of now I’ve written an app that runs in the background and detects when new images are downloaded from the stream. When a new photo arrives, it automatically selects and displays that image in Aperture.

Would any of you guys be interested in something like this? A lot more is possible, including but not limited to copying photos to custom folders/projects, applying presets and such. I wrote the app for myself because I thought it would be cool to shoot a picture on my iPhone and have it automatically displayed in full screen in Aperture a few seconds later.

Anyway, let me know if you think this worth releasing as it is or if you have ideas for further improvements.


Stuart's picture
by Stuart
November 2, 2011 - 6:33am

Morton & Joseph,

This AppleScript sounds interesting. I could see this leading into something worth wild. If I understand you correctly the image would show up in full screen via aperture? I do like the idea that you could setup Project in advance on where your images go weather then a date Project. Now if only the DSLR could work the same way the iPhone does with the iCloud along with Photo Stream. I am sure it may happen somewhere in the future.

Now since many here are using the iPhone 4S, Derrick Story of the Digital Story Website had a link to a free App call: Gorilla Cam
It is pretty cool as it allows you to take a 3-Shot Burst along with Anti-shake and many more features. I tested this free App today and I found it to work well. I tested the Burst mode and almost as fast as I shot the images they showed up in Aperture 3 (MacBook Pro) and on my iPad via Photo Stream. You can also do a Time-lapse using this App. Of course if you want to do some of these Time-lapse you would most likely need something like a Gymbi tripod:

There are becoming so many possibilities with this new iPhone 4S with iCloud and Photo Stream it is amazing.



Darryn Morgan's picture
by Darryn Morgan
November 2, 2011 - 8:14am

Hi Everyone,

What a great thread!

My problem with Photostream has already been mentioned - that is, the uploading of shots from your iPhone that you don’t want there - blurred etc.

As a workaround, I am shooting on my phone with a third party app such as “Camera+”, which holds all images in it’s own lightbox until you actually “save” the photo - at that point it is sent to the Camera Roll, which will be uploaded to Photostream. So, I review images in Camera+, touch up any I like then save, and only those which are saved, end up on the camera roll and photo stream.



Jan Vojtek's picture
by Jan Vojtek
November 2, 2011 - 6:23pm

First of all, what an amazing day and age we live in. From the comfort of our homes/offices we can exchange ideas and learn from one another. Call me old fashioned but it still fascinates me. Thank you Joseph for investing your energy and excitement into this website.

All my questions were answered by now, but if anyone comes up with something new, just add on.

One remark to the Photostream and it’s various workings and workarounds. As is the case with Apple and always has been, they think deeply about how things should work and they decide (not the consumer) what is the best way. Many times, they are right - if you take an example of events in iPhoto, many might not like it and would prefer folder like system but after all, if it is approached with open mind, it does make sense in it’s simplicity.So with the Photostream, I think they skipped the control freaks like me and just thought of the millions of iPhone owners who rarely back up their devices and photos and made it very easy for all of the photos to show up in the MacBooks, iMacs and PCs.

All in all, if they let us delete the stuff we do not want, I am happy.

Steve Jackson's picture
by Steve Jackson
November 2, 2011 - 7:56pm

Hey I like your idea Joseph “However that doesn’t mean you can’t add a single or a handful of photos to your Photo Stream. You can just drag photos into the Photo Stream “album”, or select the photo(s) and click the Photo Stream button on the menu bar” … I’d missed that option.

Here’s something clever. If you rename the Monthly Stream Project that Apple creates in your library, say from ‘Oct 2011 Photo Stream’ to ‘2011-11 Photo Stream’, new photos sync’d from iCloud are still correctly added to the renamed Project. I was guessing when I tested it that it would create a new Project with the ‘Oct 2011 …’ name, but it was smart enough not to.

I also note that images from iCloud are automatically tagged with keyword ‘Photo Stream’, so Joseph, that could be useful with your smart album discussed above, oui?


Grace Suarez's picture
by Grace Suarez
November 3, 2011 - 12:37am

I used borderFX to add a text box to some photos, and I noticed Photostream won’t upload them, saying it’s an unsupported format or too large.

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
November 3, 2011 - 5:23am


Very good point, you absolutely could use that keyword to locate the images to move them Referenced. I am often merging libraries and projects so having that Smart Album is usually useful for any photos that “snuck into” my Library :)

-Joseph @ApertureExpert

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PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
November 3, 2011 - 5:24am


I just ran into the same thing today. I had two photos that were edited in Photoshop, and were now TIF files, along with a few .CR2 originals that I tried to push the Stream. I got the unsupported error (I’m sure the same one you saw), clicked continue or whatever it was, and the TIF files were the ones that didn’t go.

I’ll let you know know here if I learn anything else. Probably a bug.

-Joseph @ApertureExpert

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Stuart's picture
by Stuart
November 3, 2011 - 6:41am


From what I understand the iCloud (Photo Stream) can’t handle PSD or TIF format. It will only handle JPG format. I think the reason could be the file size with PSD or TIF could be very large. Most iPhone 4S images are only about 2 to 3MB from what I have ended up with my testing. I think it has to do with how much information it gets when you take the shot with the iPhone 4S.


PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
November 3, 2011 - 8:04am


Actually, Photo Stream takes a lot more than that, but I’m not quite sure what it’s doing. It should (IMHO) just take the Preview file generated by Aperture and upload that — which would mean it’s taking a JPG. However, when I got the error, it said “Photo Stream only supports JPEG, PNG, TIFF and RAW files.”. Crazy! The photos it didn’t take were in fact TIFF files, so I’m not sure what the problem was.

-Joseph @ApertureExpert

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Adrian's picture
by Adrian
November 3, 2011 - 8:58pm

Hey Guys,

very interesting thread. Just one more observation: when importing via USB (I usually don’t use USB any more because of the WiFi sync) in order to get your movies into Aperture 3, it will tell you, that it only imported pictures, that haven’t been previously synced via photo stream. I thought it was a nice touch.


Stuart's picture
by Stuart
November 3, 2011 - 9:22pm


Well it looks like iCloud (Photo Stream) supports JPEG, TIFF, PNG, and most RAW photo formats. After doing a number of searches I found the following via the Apple Website: (Updated: Oct. 22, 2011)

Below is just part of what is posted there:

What resolution are my Photo Stream photos?

On your Mac or PC, your photos are downloaded and stored in full resolution. On your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, and Apple TV, your Photo Stream photos are delivered in a device-optimized resolution that speeds downloads and saves storage space. While actual dimensions will vary, an optimized version of a photo taken by a standard point-and-shoot camera will have a 2048 x 1536 pixel resolution when pushed to your devices.

What photo formats does Photo Stream support?

Photo Stream supports JPEG, TIFF, PNG, and most RAW photo formats.

If you view a number of your questions should be answered about iCloud (Photo Stream).



PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
November 4, 2011 - 5:48am


Thanks, great link. The problem we’re having uploading TIFF files appears to be a bug.

-Joseph @ApertureExpert

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Brian N's picture
by Brian N
November 4, 2011 - 6:55pm

One simple thing I think Apple overlooked with the functionality of Photostream in Aperture is… creating new projects. All I simply want to do is: select a series of photos in my Photostream, right click “create New Project”, name thus project and move on.

I guess I could split the auto projects that Aperture can create with Photostream “November 2011,” etc, but I’d rather just skip the step of importing photos I don’t want to begin with.

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
November 5, 2011 - 3:37am


You can disable the auto-import. It’s the second option in the Preferences: [screenshot].

Oddly it does appear that you can’t select photos and create a New Project with them, but you can always create a new project and manually drag them in.

The advantage of having it automatically import your photos is that as long as you launch Aperture once per month or per 1,000 photos, your iPhone/etc. shots will be imported automatically, and you never have to worry about losing any.

And again as a reminder to all, iCloud is simply a convenience — if you don’t import before that one month / 1,000 photo cut-off, your photos may no longer be in iCloud, but they will still be on your iDevice that created them.

-Joseph @ApertureExpert

— Have you signed up for the mailing list?'s picture
November 7, 2011 - 1:55am

This link from TUAW may be helpful.

Deep Dive: Aperture and Photo Stream How Do They Work?

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
December 6, 2011 - 10:13am


That’s a great find, thank you.

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Glenn Beltz's picture
by Glenn Beltz
December 6, 2011 - 1:16pm

Maxim’s post prompted me to conduct this experiment: I rebuilt my Aperture database (hold option+command while doubleclicking on the Aperture library icon, and then select the middle option).

The lost pictures were there when Aperture opened! Not in their original locations, but in a newly created folder called “Recovered Folder.” This is better than nothing….so thanks, Maxim! This is one workaround I can live with until Apple hopefully discovers the issue and fixes it.

Glenn Beltz's picture
by Glenn Beltz
December 9, 2011 - 6:15am

Version 3.2.2 out. The release notes declare this problem to be fixed :)

Boghetta's picture
by Boghetta
December 9, 2011 - 7:00am

Yep, can confirm that -> bug fixed! :)

Rick DeNatale's picture
by Rick DeNatale
December 10, 2011 - 9:59pm

This might be slightly off-topic, but has anyone figured out how to keep some photos from actually getting into the photostream?

I do want most photos in the photostream so they get into aperture effortlessly, however, some photos are for purposes like sending a paper receipt to a place like onereceipt. I just want to shoot, and send it as an email, and NOT have it go to the photostream.

Ideally I’d also like to keep it on the phone until I know that the email has been received and processed.

Any ideas on this?

Thomas Emmerich's picture
by Thomas Emmerich
December 11, 2011 - 2:37pm


Use a third party app to take photos you don’t want in photostream. My favorite is Camera+. The app can store photos outside the camera role until you save to the roll. They then stay out of photostream until/unless you save.


Philip Devin's picture
by Philip Devin
November 9, 2011 - 1:06am

Something I’ve notice and like is when I via USB my iPhone or iPad to download (I do this mainly for the unsupported videos in Photostream) it will import what I want and where I want but I get a notice asking me if I want to delete the photos that have already been added via Photostream from my device. This is great as it removes and frees up space on the device and stops duplicates of photos in both the camera roll and photostream.

Only issue is I do like to keep some downloaded videos. Short work around is I created an album of video I want and sync the device via iTunes.

Once Photostream allowed the addition of video problem solved.

Kevin D.'s picture
by Kevin D.
November 9, 2011 - 5:16am

Joseph –

Thank you for the in-depth look. I feel I am either experiencing an unfortunate bug, or I am misunderstanding how Photostream fundamentally works with Aperture.

I’ve been using Photostream since it came out for both my iPhone photos and for my DSLR photos that I import onto my iPad via USB (which then uploads those photos to Photostream). My understanding was that as these photos are uploaded to Photostream, once I open Aperture (and once I ensure that the “Automatic Import” option is checked), it will download the photographs so they reside, locally, in my Aperture library.

This does not seem to be happening, though.

Photostream is creating the default projects in my library and seems to download the photos to them (“Oct 2011 Photo Stream”, “Nov 2011 Photo Stream”). But, when these same photos are bumped out of my iCloud Photostream due to the 1000-image limit, they <u>are also being removed from my Aperture library</u>, whether they are in those default monthly photostream projects, or whether I have moved them to another project. From everything I can tell, they have been imported – and reside – in my library… until they are unceremoniously yanked.

Thankfully, I realized behavior before I deleted any masters from my card or iDevice. But, as I am having difficulty finding other people with the same issue (even on Apple’s on forums), I figured I’d ask for help from the experts – namely, you.

Am I doing something wrong? Is there something I’m missing?

Thanks for the help.

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
November 9, 2011 - 7:32am


Whoah… OK to be sure I understand, you’re saying that when photos are automatically cleared from Photo Stream when you reach the 30-day/1,000 image limit, the same photos are being deleted from the imported Aperture projects; i.e. project “Oct 2011 Photo Stream”???

That’s insane. I haven’t hit that yet but I also haven’t hit 1,000 images and probably not even 30 days yet.

Anyone else seeing this? If it’s an actual bug, I’d guess that most people will just now be starting to see it…

-Joseph @ApertureExpert

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Stuart's picture
by Stuart
November 9, 2011 - 8:50am

Derrick Story of the Digital Story Website posted an interesting podcast today “Photo Stream” - Digital Photography Podcast 299 (11/08/11) about Photo Stream. He came up with an interesting concept of using Photo Stream with iPhoto as a reservoir and Aperture 3.2.1 as a filter. It is a free 31 minute podcast audio that you may like listen to. He goes over a number of features using Photo Stream.


Kevin D.'s picture
by Kevin D.
November 9, 2011 - 10:00am

Joseph –

That is correct. Photos that I assumed to be imported to the “Oct 2011 Photo Stream” were disappearing as they were removed from the 1000-limit Photo Stream. I even moved images out of those projects and into new ones, with the hope that they would remain in the library (thinking, perhaps the default project and the photo stream were linked somehow), but those files too, are disappearing.

I can’t imagine why this is happening, as it seems to be working exactly opposite of the software’s intention. At first I wondered if it had something to do with the fact that I was pushing my DSLR photos up to Photo Stream through my iPad – but whether the photos were taken with my DSLR or with my iPhone, they disappear just the same.

I’d love to hear any suggestions from anyone or if anyone else has had a similar issue. Photo Stream sounded so promising, since it would save me the trouble of having to manually sync my phone and DSLR with aperture to import everything… but (for me at least), it hasn’t turned out that way.

Michael Walsh's picture
by Michael Walsh
January 4, 2012 - 10:48am

On the subject of deleting images from the stream… I have taken to just ignoring them. I delete them from the monthly album, and after the 30/1000 limit, they take care of themselves. I do wish there was a way to import video thru the stream. They are probably excluded due to their (potential) size. The stream does not count towards the 5gb limit…

I was also a little uncomfortable not using a “backup location” when importing. i have an external drive i was using to keep offline copies of all images “just in case”.

Boghetta's picture
by Boghetta
November 27, 2011 - 5:11am

Had to learn the same surprising behavior! But is this really intended to be like that?

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
November 27, 2011 - 6:38am


Do you mean to say that you’re seeing the same issue that Kevin D. reported; you’re seeing photos beyond the 30-day/1,000 image limit being deleted from Aperture itself, and not just the Photo Stream album?

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Boghetta's picture
by Boghetta
November 27, 2011 - 7:15am


Exactly! I can reproduce it easily: I take a picture with my iPhone in front of Aperture looking at my “Oct 2011 Photostream” and after approximately 30 seconds the new photo has been inserted into the photostream as well into the “Nov 2011 Photostream” but I have witnessed the oldest photo in the “Oct 2011 Photostream” to be deleted! It just disappeared!!
Shall I try to make a video of it?

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
November 27, 2011 - 8:09am


That would be great actually… a video would be tremendous help.

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Glenn Beltz's picture
by Glenn Beltz
November 27, 2011 - 11:39am

Hello - new user here.

I also see the behavior that’s been more recently described in this thread. I hit my 1000 cap in my photo stream today. When I took picture #1001, picture #1 in my stream disappeared, AS EXPected. But, to my horror, that same picture (a picture of my newborn son, I hasten to add, that I liked) that had been sitting in “Oct 2011 Photostream” also vanished. I experimented around by moving some remaining pictures from “Oct 2011 Photostream” to other projects, and such photos started disappearing when I took more pictures with my iPhone.

I’m at a loss. This is -not- how I had come to understand how photo stream worked when interacting with Aperture. I thought that once auto-imported into “Oct 2011 Photostream” and now “Nov 2011 Photostream” those pics would be safe forever. They’re not :-/

I’ve stopped taking pics with my iPhone until I understand further. Is it something I’m doing wrong, or is there a bug in the code?

Boghetta's picture
by Boghetta
November 28, 2011 - 1:28am

Hi there

I just finished a short video of the process, see

Glenn Beltz's picture
by Glenn Beltz
November 28, 2011 - 1:38am

Thanks for the video. As I’ve already mentioned, this is exactly my problem.

I am a relatively recent convert to Aperture. In fact, until early November, I had been using iPhoto with photo stream. Is it possible that the fact that my October 2011 pictures were auto-imported into a project called “Oct 2011 Photo Stream” back in October (a project which no longer exists in iPhoto, which I no longer use) somehow screwing things up for me now that I’m using Aperture? I know I’m grasping at straws here.

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
November 29, 2011 - 9:44am


Thanks for the video. Scary.

OK so the obvious safety net is that these photos should still be on your iPhone. So barring a hardware loss, the photos do still exist.

Hopefully it’s a bug that will be addressed soon.

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PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
December 13, 2011 - 6:30am


nice tip! I like it :)

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Thomas Emmerich's picture
by Thomas Emmerich
December 13, 2011 - 1:50pm

I forgot to mention that Camera+ can directly share via email, twitter, and Facebook without using the camera roll and Photo Stream.


Thomas Emmerich's picture
by Thomas Emmerich
December 14, 2011 - 12:15pm

IOS5.1 beta 2 adds single photo deletion from photo stream. Cross your fingers and hope it makes it to the released version.…


Pgmtri's picture
by Pgmtri
February 5, 2012 - 5:34pm

Hi I was wondering how photos I did not take end up on my photostream. I looked the other day and there is one there of a strange man I have never seen before in my life! This scared me and I wonder how it got there? Any help would be gratefully received. Thank you.

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
February 6, 2012 - 4:39am


Scary! Do you have multiple devices using the same Apple ID, for example a spouse or partner or child that is using your Apple ID to make iTunes purchases on their device?

I just ran into this with a friend where our iMessage conversation was “intercepted” and someone else was writing in… turned out to be his son in college who’s using the same Apple ID. Oops!!

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johndpatton's picture
by johndpatton
July 12, 2012 - 6:13am

I love the tangential function of this thread - it has been a great education in all aspects of the photo stream functionality. Everyone was helpful and the links were great.

The scary guy at the end was a great plot twist as well.

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