I use the delete master command to test few files that is on the external drive and put them in the trash, I can see that they are in the trash, but when I use empty trash, there are nothing happen. I try disk utility to check permission, re install the aperture, delete the library etc, nothing work.
my osx is 10.6.8, aperture is 3.1.3
any suggestion welcome.
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Cannot empty the trash
When you say you “empty the trash” and nothing happens, are you talking about the Aperture trash or the Finder trash?
-Joseph @ApertureExpert
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aperture trash
This is a pretty old thread… before we continue, can you please verify that you’re completely up-to-date (Aperture 3.2.2 and OS X 10.7.2) and presumably still seeing the exact same issue?
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Whenever this happens to me I have to do a restart of my Mac. Did you try that yet?
yes, I did.
I also run disk utility on both the system HD and the ext HD.
I also to appclean to uninstall it and install again, then update to 3.1.3
what else would you suggest?
it is aperture 3.2.2 but the osx is 10.6.8.
I do has another macbook pro has 10.7.2 and this one do not has any problem.
I try create another library and repeat the step, still cannot empty it.
I do uninstall and install again, but sound like the system also remember my serial #, that mean that uninstall is not really clean up everything, what else can i try.
If you want to uninstall completely to try a fresh then appzapper is normally handy to find all associated files to go with an app:
These files & folders are also associated with aperture as well:
~\Library\Application Support\Aperture\
\Library\Application Support\ProApps\Aperture System ID
\Library\Application Support\Aperture\
I would say that if you are deleting aperture.plist this is your preference file and will remove all your preset information. So I would back it up somewhere safe, I try to back mine up every so often to an external disk. Incase something happens then I can restore it later. If i find that this file is causing aperture problems then I start completely from scratch.