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photobook image scale problem #1
Carol Batty's picture
by Carol Batty
January 24, 2012 - 3:33pm

I am new to aperture and to making a photo book. I've tried searching the web to find an answer to this question, but no luck.

I am trying to insert my photos in the photo boxes on the book layout page but many of the pictures are too big to fit into the box. The image scale slider is set to the far left. What can I do to make the entire picture fit in the box?

Sarah Mawdsley's picture
by Sarah Mawdsley
January 25, 2012 - 2:09am

Hi Carol

I use a normal mouse (not an apple mouse so this may not be that helpful, but if you right click the mouse button when you have the photobox selected, you should get a little menu Photobox Alignment, Copy Content, Cut Content, Delete Content. If you select the Photobox Alignment option there are 4 options, Scale to Fill, Scale to fit centred, scale to fit left aligned and scale to fit right aligned. The Scale to fill option is what you need to accomplish what you are doing.

You can access this also from one of the icons underneath the pages on the left of the screen. If you hover your mouse over the icons it’s the one labelled book actions.

Hope this makes sense.

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
January 25, 2012 - 2:58am


I’m not quite sure what you mean by “too big to fit in the box”. The images will always be scaled down to fill when you first drag them in, which in your case they are as you noted that the slider is all the way to the left.

Perhaps it’s the aspect ratio that’s biting you… for example, are you adding a portrait (vertical) photo to a landscape (horizontal) box? By default, Aperture will fill the box with the photo, even if that means cropping it. If you want to see the entire photo, following Sarah’s advice above (control-click the photo if you aren’t familiar with right-clicking), and choose “Scale to Fit”. That will show the entire image, even if it means leaving blank space on the sides or top and bottom.

You can switch into the Edit Layout mode, and change the box size yourself if you like, which gives you more control.

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Bill Hodgson's picture
by Bill Hodgson
May 15, 2012 - 5:18am

I have the same problem - I drag a portrait shape photo into a portrait shaped box on a page, and the photo is scaled too big to fit. I double click to use the scale slider, but it’s set to the smallest. So I right mouse to get the scaling pop-up menu, and choose “scale to fit” and nothing changes, it’s really wasting my time.

Bill Hodgson's picture
by Bill Hodgson
May 15, 2012 - 6:07am

This seems to be related to a mismatch between the aspect ratio of the box, and the photo. If I make the box aspect ratio = photo aspect ratio I can a see all the photo. But I thought the point was to clip the photo to fit the box.

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
May 15, 2012 - 7:41am


“Scale to fit (center, left or right)” is the option you want, and it works as expected here. You can see that it’s working fine on this sample: [screenshot]

I actually just covered this last night in thew new Live Training 019 “Books”. You may want to check that out here.

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mich's picture
by mich
December 4, 2013 - 1:44am

“Scale to fit - centred” is what I want on all my book photo boxes. Is there a way to change it just in one place? I have a 100 page book and there’s a lot of photo boxes to change one by one!

I looked in defaults and pref file, but I can’t seem to find it.

Nana111's picture
by Nana111
January 10, 2014 - 2:50am

HI there

For me ,i usually change the image size using an image processing tool which supports to scale image or resize image directly.It would be more convenient .YOu can also have a try.There are many third party program for image processing.And most of them offers a  free trial for new users.Best wishes

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