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Image import sequence into existing album is screwy #1
bob william's picture
by bob william
March 11, 2012 - 1:33am

I sometimes import images into a given album over multiple days of shooting. After importing the first day's images I edit them, including sequence rearrangement (thereby using the 'manual' sort mode) . When I import the next day's images those new imports are placed by Aperture at the TOP of the browser screen, not at the bottom, where “logic” would have them. I know I can drag them as a group down to the bottom, at the end of the prior day's shots, but that's not how Aperture 2 used to handle them - it placed them at the bottom automatically, where I'd prefer them.

In Aperture 3, if I sort by date and put the second day images at the bottom, then the desired rearrangement of the first day's images is lost.

Will I have to always drag the second (and subsequent) days' images to the bottom or is there a work around or is this just a bug ?

Thank you

Bob S.

Chris Hoch's picture
by Chris Hoch
March 11, 2012 - 4:13am

The way I handle this is to actually do multiple projects under a folder.

For example:

20120305 | Event Name (Folder)
|> 20120306 | Day1 (Project)
|> 20120307 | Day2 (Project)

I am sure there might be another way to do this, however this works for me.

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
March 13, 2012 - 2:00am


Check the sort menu; even though it’s on Manual, there is still an ascending/descending order [screenshot]. Try putting it the other way and then rearranging manually, and then importing your new photos.

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