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Import Projects - 2008 #1
Don Reilly's picture
by Don Reilly
March 14, 2012 - 5:13am

To gain hard drive space, Aug. 2010 I exported my entire 2008 Folder of 31GB and 84 Projects as a single export to an external drive. Saved time but could not reimport single projects, I discovered later. Recently upgraded to 750GB MacBook hard drive and now have space to bring in the 84 Projects for edits and access.

Problem is, trying to import get an error message, ” The library could not be imported because it is from an out of date version of Aperture 3. Please upgrade the library to the latest version of Aperture 3 and try again.”

I had upgraded to Aperture 3.0 in April 2010, about 4 months prior to the 2008 export. I'm currently running Aperture 3.2.2.

The message about “out of date library” is a road-block and I don't know where to go from here. I have individual Projects from other years with same message, although more recent exports are unencumbered.

How does one upgrade old Projects to enable import from back up drives?


PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
March 14, 2012 - 7:47am


What it’s telling you is that you need to upgrade the project you’re importing before you can import it into your active project.

To do that, in Aperture go to menu File > Switch to Library > Other/New… and then navigate to the old project. This will open it as a new Aperture 3 Library.

Once that upgrade is complete, you can switch back to your primary library (from the same Switch to Library menu, and you will probably see yours listed at the top there), and then you should be able to import your old Library into the new one!

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Don Reilly's picture
by Don Reilly
March 14, 2012 - 11:25am

Joseph……thanks. Out until Thursday, will try it then, hope it works.


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