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User Experience - Aperture 3.2.2 and Lion 10.7.2/.3 #1
Louis Hecht's picture
by Louis Hecht
February 20, 2012 - 7:10am

Hi All - well, with Mt. Lion announced, I am accepting the reality that I have to migrate from Mac OSX 10.6.8 to OSX 10.7.x. I have checked a number of lists and forums to see if users are experiencing performance issues. So far I have discovered only one to speak off, that I believe was remedied in 10.7.3 dealing bluetooth and aperture.

My basic set up is Aperture + NIK. I shoot with a Canon D7. If I am away from my primary machine I use a MacBook Air 11inch, 1.8 i7, 4GB 1333 RAM, 256GB SSD with Lion version 10.7.2. This machine only contains Aperture. No other image editing sw is onboard, except what Apple provides with their OS's. Workflow on this machine largely consists of transfer of imagery from the camera to the MacAir using a card reader, or direct via USB cable, organizing, deleting trash shots, entering both EXIF and IPTC metadata, and packaging for transfer to my primary machine.

My prinary machine is an iMac 27in, 2.8 i7, 8GB 1067 RAM, 1TB HDD, with Snow Leopard 10.6.8.

Using Aperture on the MBA is fine, and in terms of performance is quite fast and certainly performs the basic steps with no problem.

What I am after is how well aperture performs with all of the image editing tasks such as dodge and burn, other brushed adjustments, provided presets, noise reduction, etc. If you have NIK software, how well does Lion support those components and particularly the one of the remaining 32-bit application in their suite - Sharpener Pro 3.0 for RAW.

Thank you for any intelligence and experience you can share. I am also posting this in Apples Discussion Aperture Community.

Aperture 3.5.x, DxO Optics Pro 9.x, Dxo FilmPak 4.x, NIK Collection, CS PS6
Canon 7D

Stuart's picture
by Stuart
February 20, 2012 - 10:27am

Hi Louis

I have been running Lion on a MacBook Pro 2.66 (June 2009) since the time it was released. Now I do switch back and forth between Aperture 3 & Lightroom 3. With both programs I do use Nik software (full collection) with no problems? I am running in 64 bit. Now at first there where some issues with Nik, but once they came out with their upgrades all problems where resolved. I am pretty sure there could be some issues with the upcoming release of Mountain Loin, but Nik should be on top of it.

In the past when I did have any issues with Nik products I either called them or email them. Each time they have been very good in their response and help.



PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
February 22, 2012 - 8:24am


I concur with Stuart in regards to Nik… they move very quickly to address issues that come up like this. I think it’s worth considering that for Nik, this is all that they do. If suddenly their plugins stop working because of an OS update, they are going to be on it fast and hard.

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