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Stream to iPad #1
Mike Z's picture
by Mike Z
March 9, 2012 - 6:51am

My mother is getting an iPad. Any suggestions for an App/technique/etc for streaming the contents of an Aperture Smart Folder to the device?

Yes, I am partially asking how to turn a $500 tablet into a $79 digital photo frame…

Chris Hoch's picture
by Chris Hoch
March 9, 2012 - 7:13am

You can sync up a smart folder via iTunes.

When you have the iPad plugged in go to Photos, then select Sync Photos from Aperture and then select your smart folders.

Ensure you tick the option on the Summary page for the iPad to sync up with it over wifi. this way you can add more smart folders without having to have it plugged in to the computer.

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
March 9, 2012 - 7:14am


LOL appreciate your honesty there ;-)

You absolutely can. You can sync any Album or Smart Album from Aperture to your iPad (as long as previews and iLife sharing are turned on, which they are by default). You can set your iPad to sync wirelessly whenever it’s plugged in, or you can manually trigger a sync from the Settings app or from iTunes itself.

The only caveat is the the Smart Album will not refresh until you click on it to view it, so that means iTunes won’t know there are new photos there until you look at the Smart Album in Aperture. You don’t have to do anything other than look at it, but the Smart Albums in Aperture don’t just refresh in the background.

At least, I should say that’s my understanding of it. I don’t have my iTunes set up that way but that makes sense.

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Mike Z's picture
by Mike Z
March 9, 2012 - 8:34am

Thanks for the quick responses - that was most unexpected!

I should have mentioned one small detail - I am in New Hampshire, my mother is in Florida - obviously it would not be syncing from one of my computers…

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
March 9, 2012 - 8:38am


aw geez, small detail indeed! ;-)

OK, how tech savvy is Mom? If you give her a list of instructions on how to sync/load/find the photos, will that be OK, or does this need to be as near a one-click solution as possible?

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Mike Z's picture
by Mike Z
March 9, 2012 - 10:46pm

1 click is always better (it is more the Apple way, right) but if it isn’t possible, then she’s a smart gal, I can teach her how to do it.

I’m honestly a bit surprised that there isn’t already a good solution out there. I mean, half the love of photography is being able to share your creation. If I had any idea of how to write an App, I would absolutely try to figure out a way to be able to subscribe to a photo stream…

Chris Hoch's picture
by Chris Hoch
March 9, 2012 - 11:08pm

lol, absolute crazy idea coming up.

Setup an icloud account for her and then upload files to her photostream from your side of the woods using her account details and download at the other side?

I haven’t thought this through 100% yet… just trying to see if I can start a mental ball rolling.

Mike Z's picture
by Mike Z
March 9, 2012 - 11:37pm

That might work…

I’ve used photostream on my end before, but have found that I still end up plugging my phone in every once in awhile to my computer (since it is so much easier to both make sure I have downloaded all my images and do a mass delete this way, than on the phone) so maybe that isn’t such a bad idea…

Mike Z's picture
by Mike Z
March 10, 2012 - 5:41am

Hmmm, it would appear that you cannot set a separate photostream account in aperture - I think it is tied to your icloud settings. Which means that I will have to set up a new user on the computer and switch to that, load aperture, and put photos into the stream for this to work.

Hmmm, I had thought this would be a very easy answer…

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
March 10, 2012 - 6:53am


Yeah the iCloud option doesn’t really work. It’s not designed for sharing to other people, but between your own devices.

Check outSmugMug. The services isn’t free, but they have a nice app to view galleries, and I’m pretty sure it has a slideshow mode. All you’d have to do is post to SmugMug from Aperture (and there’s a few plugins for that; my favorite is SmugInProForAperture, and your mom would just launch the app whenever she wanted to see photos.

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Mike Z's picture
by Mike Z
March 10, 2012 - 7:35am

That’s what I will do unless anyone comes up with a better idea (I’ve been a big fan of Smugmug for awhile - should have mentioned that was my backup plan). Something tells me in 6 months Apple will find a way for people to publish their photostreams.

I’m going to go buy a few videos to thank you for the help!

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