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Aperture V3.3 influences V3.2.4 #1
Peter Guttinger's picture
by Peter Guttinger
June 18, 2012 - 12:49am

Aperture 3.3 failed upgrading my 120 GB Library. So i restored both, the Aperture App 3.2.4 and the library from the Time Machine backup. Both, app and lib, indicate now in finder “version 3.2.4”. However, Aperture 3.2.4 pops up with a message saying that the library is form a newer version! That cannot be as the backup was made before installing 3.3. I also trashed Aperture 3.3 .. Anybody has a solution?

As i already tried to repair the lib and upgrade, both with V3.3, without sucess, I want to go back to the previous version, repare it, save it and than try V3.3 again.


PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
June 18, 2012 - 1:57am


I’d guess that even though you restored Aperture 3.2.4, you didn’t restore the preferences or the Application Support folder. Just move those to the desktop (no need to recover them) and Aperture will generate them on first launch.

Also I’d launch Aperture 3.2.4 and create a new library first, just to ensure that your versions are what you expect. Only then switch to the 3.2.4 library, make sure that it opens, and then proceed with your upgrade.

If that still doesn’t work, is there any way you can move the library to another system that hasn’t been upgraded yet, that still has 3.2.4 on it?

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Peter Guttinger's picture
by Peter Guttinger
June 18, 2012 - 2:56am

..just after sending the previous post i had a new idea: Repaired the restored Lib with V3.2.4 (i exptected to see the same message, but that did not happen). After that Apperture started normally and started to re-build previews. I hope my problem is solved so far…


PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
June 18, 2012 - 3:12am

Oh great idea Peter, perfect. Keep us posted!


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Peter Guttinger's picture
by Peter Guttinger
June 19, 2012 - 4:07am

The processing of new thumbnails and previews is now finised. I think that i now have a working Aperture V3.2.4. Only one strange phenomena happend: I got 32 projects all with the name “IPHPublishServiceMobileMe”. I do have a gallery on MobileMe, but not 32 but 13. Any idea what that could be? or mean?

The projects look good, although, i see too many “file lost” indicators. I’m not sure if these are images i have deleted earlier, which Aperture now has re-invented.

Next, I will run a file vault, saving the complete library. Than, tomorrow, i install Apperture 3.3 again and try to load the V3.2.4 vault. I may than have the same content both as 3.3 and as 3.2.4 version.

Can two versions of Aperture exist on the same system?


PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
June 19, 2012 - 4:38am


Can’t explain the MobileMe things, but yes clearly something to do with MobileMe ;-)

File Lost; I’d try to reconnect those before going any further. No point backing up a library with missing images. Unless they are files you trashed, in which case, get rid of ‘em again.

Remember you can always just duplicate the library as a quicker backup than the Vault at this stage of the game, until you have a library worth Vaulting.


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