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Reconnecting Referenced File #1
Daniel Cox's picture
by Daniel Cox
April 17, 2012 - 3:24am

I recently had a hard drive failure and had to rebuild an entire raid system. My current issue is Aperture 3 reconnecting the Referenced files. All together I have aprox 220,000 images in the catalog and at the current rate, about 20%/24hour period, it 's going to take Aperture 5+ days to reference all the images. The connection between computer and drive is via Firewire 800. My only other experience with something similar was Lightroom that would do a reconnect almost instantaneously. Does anyone know if this length of time sounds typical for reconnecting files in Aperture? It seems absurdely out of line.

Daniel J. Cox

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
April 17, 2012 - 3:37am


I concur… absurdly out of line!

So tell me what you’re seeing… you’ve clicked on “reconnect all” I assume, and it’s taking ages to connect them, but it’s happening?

The only thing I can think of is super slow disk access, which shouldn’t be the case if it’s FW800.

If you can, just stop the process and reboot and try again. It should be virtually instant.

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Daniel Cox's picture
by Daniel Cox
April 17, 2012 - 3:54am

Thanks for the suggestion Joseph. I’ve tried restarting the whole process several times, have also rebooted my Mac tower. I think the next thing I’m going to try is a different firewire cord. I’m just grateful to hear it’s most likely something other than what should be normal. I didn’t know if I should just let it keep churning or try and figure out what is wrong. I’ll now try the latter.

Daniel J. Cox

Daniel Cox's picture
by Daniel Cox
April 17, 2012 - 10:16pm

New info to add. Here’s things I’ve tried so far.
-Tried a different Firewire port (no difference)
-Tried a different Firewire cable (No Difference)
-Copied a 1gig file over to the same Drobo FS drive. 25 seconds to copy
-Copied a 1gig file over a G-Tech drive. 18 seconds to copy
I was fearful the Drobo may be the cause but even though it’s a bit slower than the G-Tech, it’s not that much slower.

I’m now updating my vault and then plan to go through the three options related to rebuilding the catalog. Will let you know how it goes. Painful!!! she you need to get work done.

Daniel J. Cox

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
April 18, 2012 - 1:22am


Good tests. I’ve lost faith in the Drobo over the last couple of years, and maybe six months ago replaced it with a Promise RAID, and haven’t had a single problem yet (knock wood). My Drobo gave horrendous performance in many activities, but then on others it would perform just fine. I wonder if you’re running into the same thing.

To test that out, you may want to copy a collection of photos (maybe a day or month, or some folder of masters that’s on the Drobo) to your G-Tech and reconnect that collection to see if there’s a performance difference. Then at least you could eliminate (or confirm) the Drobo as the source of the issue.


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