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GeoTagr #1
Graham Parker's picture
by Graham Parker
October 3, 2012 - 3:12am

Hi Joseph

Spoke about this in FB but as its a aperture question thought I should post it here.

Very simply in Aperture/Places when you click on the GPS drop down and it says import GPS track is that the same as the GPX file that I can export straight from GeoTagr ?

Note this app for the iPhone seems the easiest to use as the other two I have looked at need a desktop app and you geo tag the photos before importing into Aperture but after you have transferred photos to mac. This isn't the work flow I use. I import to Aperture straight to Aperture whilst creating a backup.

Any other advice on geo tagging apps for iPhone would be greatly received

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
October 11, 2012 - 8:27am


Yes you’re right, you can import the GPX file through that menu.

I get what you’re saying about the workflow, but the big advantage of taking that extra step of tagging the photos on the desktop before importing into Aperture is that you get a much more accurate placement. If you are using a GPX file, you’ll be hunting around the path looking for a match of time. It’s stupid frankly, because obviously the software should be able to do this for you, but it does not.

But yes, it still works and before clever software like GeoTagr, it was the only way you could do this.

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