if i was to increase my ram from 8gb to 32gb where would I see the benefit from within aperture 3?
would it help when am doing brush adjustments?
would it help speed up roundtripping to silver effects pro and saving the 80mb tiff file?
would it help when importing lots of images off a sd card?
More RAM would help only if your are getting page-outs. You can monitor your RAM usage in the Activity Monitor application as you do the functions you describe above and see how much free RAM is available. If you have free RAM available while doing those activities, adding more RAM won’t change anything.
what is a “page-out”?
Page out is RAM memory being written to the disk, Page In is disk being written to the RAM.
On my MacBook Pro 17-inch I upgraded from 4 to 8 gig of ram and saw a noticeable difference in performance, especially when using brushes to retouch. It depends as much on the raw file size. My older 10MP and 12MP raw files process well on 8GB of ram. My 36MP D800 raw files struggle a bit more. On 16GB of ram the D800 files fly.
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