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Finding focus points in "Info" #1
bob william's picture
by bob william
February 22, 2013 - 5:52am

A fellow traveler on a recent trip waxed poetic about how useful she found the ability of Aperture 3.4.3 to show her, under “Info” in the Inspector panel, where in her photos the focus point(s) had been achieved. I don't have her e-mail address to contact her on this; I''ve tried to find that feature but can't [ also found no mention in the Archives here].

Does such a feature exist ? Where might that be ?

Thank you


Bob S.

Stephenesque's picture
by Stephenesque
February 22, 2013 - 6:58am

Select: View > Show Focus Points or click on the symbol below the word RAW or JPEG in the Info pane or use the keyboard shortcut alt+F.

It doesn’t seem to work correctly for me as I just get a white rectangle in the centre of each picture even when I know that I focussed elsewhere, locked and recomposed. I’m guessing that my cameras don’t record this information in the Exif data.

EDIT: Thinking about this I’ve realised that it would be impossible for either the camera or Aperture to know where I have focussed If I’ve locked and recomposed.
I’m going to take some with the focus point off-centre and see how they show up in Aperture.


Stephenesque's picture
by Stephenesque
February 22, 2013 - 7:36am

Show Focus Point does work as it should for me; I was just being a bit dim earlier.

If I move the focus point to one of the 49 available on my camera then it does show this in Aperture. Similarly, if I set my camera to Multi and let it select the focus point; which I never do, but did for the purposes of this test, then Aperture shows me where the camera chose to focus.


GD Rothenberg's picture
by GD Rothenberg
February 22, 2013 - 11:43pm

I believe this has something to do with your camera brand. If it’s a Sony it won’t show whereas a Canon will display this. At least that’s the case with me.

GD Rothenberg

bob william's picture
by bob william
February 23, 2013 - 1:28am

Thanks to both Stephen and GD for the responses. I shoot with a Canon 5D so it does work. I knew the “how-to” would be as simple as finding the right place to do it but just assumed “Info” was logical since so much other information is available there. Well, it may have been logical but it wasn’t correct. View worked fine. Thank you.


Bob S.

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