I am planning to transfer my photo libraries to a Drobo 5D as I travel back and forth between two states seasonally. Should I just create a new library and copy my present library into it? I am also wondering if there will be a problem with naming the library and having things get “confused”.
Lori - do you mean you will maintain a second copy of your managed library, or do you simply want to move the library to the Drobo and be able to carry that back and forth?
Aperture doesn’t care if you have multiple Libraries with the same name. It only cares about what is inside the Library. Apple Finder won’t let you have multiple Libraries with the same name in the same folder.
If you have managed Libraries, you can simply drag-n-drop them to copy them from an internal / external drive over to your Drobo.
Photographer | https://www.walterrowe.com | https://instagram.com/walter.rowe.photo