What's the best way (or brick to use) to see the color value percents in Red, Green, Blue, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black? For example, can I place an eye dropper on an area of skin and it provides me all the mentioned percent values?
What's the best way (or brick to use) to see the color value percents in Red, Green, Blue, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black? For example, can I place an eye dropper on an area of skin and it provides me all the mentioned percent values?
Sorry I dont know anything about percentages. Would love to hear the advantage of percentage.
For skin I alway use cmyk and keep the magenta and yellow very close with yellow ever slightly higher. The cyan is about 1/4 of the value of MY. This is what I have stolen from Lee Varis and his excellent Skin correction book. Cheers
Twitter= @davidbmoore
Scottsdale AZ
No particular advantage to percentages and thanks for your feedback, but the question still remains ~ what way are you going about seeing the color values? Are you simply just using the curves block, but that’s just RGB!
Oh Sorry. Yes Curves block but using the gear at the very bottom of the Adjustments tab you can switch to CMYK but not percentages. Is that what you needed?
Twitter= @davidbmoore
Scottsdale AZ
Great Thanks ~ My RGB has a percentage option and CMYK defaults to percentages. I wish both RGB and CMYK can be seen at the same time ~ Again Thanks
I can’t find a way to see the RGB or CMYK values while editing the curves channel. The only information that’s shown is “in” and “Out” (whatever those mean) ~ Is there away in Aperture to see these values while making adjustments to a particular channel?