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FileVault #1
Brian Toney's picture
by Brian Toney
February 23, 2013 - 5:30am

I have activated Apple FileVault and when the encryption was complete opened Aperture 3. I cannot locate my Aperture library. It isn't in Pictures. Has anyone else had this problem?

Brian Holliday's picture
by Brian Holliday
February 24, 2013 - 1:03pm

I am not sure the solution to this, but I can say as a former Apple employee and “Genius” Unless you work for the CIA, FBI, or other high government agency, don’t use File Vault. You will have nothing but trouble with it. Seriously, no joke, CIA or FBI otherwise turn it off.

Walter Rowe's picture
by Walter Rowe
February 26, 2013 - 2:46am

I have a completely different experience with FileVault2 (vs FileVault for Home Dirs). It is a very solid and stable feature. As an enterprise Apple support person I have seen zero issues with it. All corporate and Federal entities generally require full disk encryption and Apple’s FileVault2 is in my experience the least problematic of all solutions in the marketplace today. Apple did it right.

I have no idea why you would not be able to see your Aperture library. Open a Terminal window and look at your Pictures folder from a command line:

# cd ~/Pictures
# ls -l

Does your Aperture library show up there? If so, it could simply have the “hidden” flag set so Finder is not showing it to you. This is easy to change.

# chflags nohidden <YourApertureLibrary>

Let us know if this helps.

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